It's also worth noting that it makes Gaea's Cradle tap for mana. Most of the synergies with this card can only be really labled as 'cute.' The only one imo that's worth it is GSZing for it on T1 to ramp, so it's a go if you have that, I guess?
I haven't come around to the Arbor yet myself in cube, but its uses include being good with Green Sun's Zenith, Woodland Bellower, Natural Order, Aether Vial, Birthing Pod, Collected Company etc by virtue of being a green creature at 0 cmc. It can also be recurred repeatedly with Crucible of Worlds or Life from the Loam and Unearth can get back a land I guess. You can sacrifice Wooded Foothills and friends to counter an edict. Crop Rotation, Nature's Lore etc can find it. Sylvan Advocate can pump it now. Its another body that works with Standstill. Can even come back with Meren of Clan Nel Toth now, maybe that matters.
Honestly, not sure if all the cute little synergies compensate for the drawback of a land that constantly dies to a light breeze but its a pretty useful card, esp in an environment with a lot of fetches and edicts. That's probably the strongest interaction.
I think this is a fair assessment. I cut the Utility Land Draft, and added Treetop Village and Yavimaya Hollow to the main cube. I feel both of those offer a lot more than Arbor.I have it in ULD for shenanigans with GSZ and fetches, but I wouldn't ever put into the main cube.
Kind of a weird card, but it seems great for those of you with a sacrifice theme. I'm trying it out in my cube, which has a light sacrifice theme and a solid supply of tokens.
All this talk around the threads here of cool custom anthems has gotten me looking at pumping effects. What do we think of this little guy? Actually seems like a perfectly strong pick that can help aggression in any color?
It has been a while, but surely a 50/50 chance to prevent the opponent from doing anything and dealing damage is better than a 50/50 chance of only stopping damage? Those ability choices really don't indicate a lot of thought went into the design.