Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member

Fair Opposition. Too fair?

Oh man, this could be so cool. Seems... bad though.
compared to opposition, it's worse because: tap symbol, equip cost > 0, equips at sorcery speed, only taps creatures, generally easier to remove
and better because trinker! And it's very cheap.
Dunno. Anybody tried it? I'm always intrigued by trinket mage targets.

Jason Waddell

Staff member

I am in love with this card. Look at this (solitaire) gamestate.


The Lili flips automatically from the vanishing of Keldon Marauders. This creates a zombie for Gravecrawler insurance. But look what else it can do!

Now I can discard my recursive guys that don't care about being in the yard. If my board gets wiped, the minus lets me restart the chain. And the ultimate is just super gravy with Goblin Bombardment.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member

This came up in the Retro Combo Cube thread, and I was a bit surprised to realize that I'd never considered running these myself. They're an interesting solution to the age-old 2cmc artifact mana dilemma; they ramp powerfully, but force deckbuilding restraints to get value out of them. Whereas I'm always happy to jam 2-4 Signets, I'm only really willing to run a medallion if I've got at least half my deck able to cast off them. The resulting reward is possibly generating more than 1 mana a turn, but under a specific scenario (having a deck skewed towards 1 primary colour and getting the associated medallion), which seems intriguing. I don't think I'd run them all, which also opens up some interesting decision points; planting just the {U} and {R} ones, for example, might secretly promote an artifact/spells deck in that pair, or just packing a {W} one could promote white midrange/control strategies if they needed particular support, etc. Has anyone considered running these? I think I probably prefer my current solution, Corrupted Grafstone, but it's worth considering all the same, I think.



This came up in the Retro Combo Cube thread, and I was a bit surprised to realize that I'd never considered running these myself. They're an interesting solution to the age-old 2cmc artifact mana dilemma; they ramp powerfully, but force deckbuilding restraints to get value out of them. Whereas I'm always happy to jam 2-4 Signets, I'm only really willing to run a medallion if I've got at least half my deck able to cast off them. The resulting reward is possibly generating more than 1 mana a turn, but under a specific scenario (having a deck skewed towards 1 primary colour and getting the associated medallion), which seems intriguing. I don't think I'd run them all, which also opens up some interesting decision points; planting just the {U} and {R} ones, for example, might secretly promote an artifact/spells deck in that pair, or just packing a {W} one could promote white midrange/control strategies if they needed particular support, etc. Has anyone considered running these? I think I probably prefer my current solution, Corrupted Grafstone, but it's worth considering all the same, I think.

Corrupted Grafstone can't be a thing, can it?
Corrupted Grafstone can't be a thing, can it?

It literally is a thing (at least in my format). The decks that want to take T2 off for a mana rock is usually looking to cast spells (usually removal or a draw spell) on T3, and once you've got something in the bin, you're in business. It also works great with looters and looting effects, which I've packed pretty generously into my list. I've considering going up to 2 Corrupted Grafstone, actually. It's true that it doesn't ramp you to 4 on T3, but it ramps you to 5 on T4, which in my format is typically pretty sweet.

Jason Waddell

Staff member

This came up in the Retro Combo Cube thread, and I was a bit surprised to realize that I'd never considered running these myself. They're an interesting solution to the age-old 2cmc artifact mana dilemma; they ramp powerfully, but force deckbuilding restraints to get value out of them. Whereas I'm always happy to jam 2-4 Signets, I'm only really willing to run a medallion if I've got at least half my deck able to cast off them. The resulting reward is possibly generating more than 1 mana a turn, but under a specific scenario (having a deck skewed towards 1 primary colour and getting the associated medallion), which seems intriguing. I don't think I'd run them all, which also opens up some interesting decision points; planting just the {U} and {R} ones, for example, might secretly promote an artifact/spells deck in that pair, or just packing a {W} one could promote white midrange/control strategies if they needed particular support, etc. Has anyone considered running these? I think I probably prefer my current solution, Corrupted Grafstone, but it's worth considering all the same, I think.

These are pretty interesting. Unlike normal mana rocks, they will rarely 'stack,' and do not fit into the traditional colorless ramp archetype. They could be pretty cool in a heavy multicolored cube.

This came up in the Retro Combo Cube thread, and I was a bit surprised to realize that I'd never considered running these myself. They're an interesting solution to the age-old 2cmc artifact mana dilemma; they ramp powerfully, but force deckbuilding restraints to get value out of them. Whereas I'm always happy to jam 2-4 Signets, I'm only really willing to run a medallion if I've got at least half my deck able to cast off them. The resulting reward is possibly generating more than 1 mana a turn, but under a specific scenario (having a deck skewed towards 1 primary colour and getting the associated medallion), which seems intriguing. I don't think I'd run them all, which also opens up some interesting decision points; planting just the {U} and {R} ones, for example, might secretly promote an artifact/spells deck in that pair, or just packing a {W} one could promote white midrange/control strategies if they needed particular support, etc. Has anyone considered running these? I think I probably prefer my current solution, Corrupted Grafstone, but it's worth considering all the same, I think.
This is going pretty deep, but

Oh man, this could be so cool. Seems... bad though.
compared to opposition, it's worse because: tap symbol, equip cost > 0, equips at sorcery speed, only taps creatures, generally easier to remove
and better because trinker! And it's very cheap.
Dunno. Anybody tried it? I'm always intrigued by trinket mage targets.

I remember having this in a chaos draft and it was by far the best card in my deck. It's better in wide aggro. Comparing it to opposition, which is redonk, isn't particularly useful. Give it a try, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
I've ran Sunscape Familiar in my list for about a year now, it's awesome. I really wish Nightscape Familiar was like, a 0/3 zombie wall, or a 2/1 or something, idk. I'll probably give it a whirl eventually but I never seem to find the space for it.

It's a pretty cool card, I might see if I can squeeze it in. I don't think the medallions are that great, only affect roughly half your deck and only if they have colourless in their casting costs. I think they're too narrow. I'm working on a two player mono red cube which ruby medallion is going in though.

The art on these new editions are seriously good though, and the old art is generally good too. Oh, the nostalgia!
I threw the medallions in largely because I had next to no brown border options. Turns out they might be a reasonable incentive for mono color decks? Maybe not in modern cubes where splashes are simply too plentiful and rewarding though.

So how many targets does a deck need for these to be worth a card? If you can chain multiple spells in one turn they are more like a reusable sol ring, so they certainly can be powerful in the right conditions.