Chris Taylor
I can't imagine not running Bolt. 4 Edge seems fine.
I'd be sad to see it go, but if you REALLY want people to commit to their plays, I could see chain lightning over it. I've considered it, but I don't really feel the need to go that far.
RE: Wayfinder, To me he seems MILES better than mulch. So you're saying I can't draw multiple lands if I'm an absolute lucksack, but instead I gain 2-5 life and it counts towards my spider spawning? SOLD!
Grisly Salvage seems like exactly where I want this kind of effect to be, both in number of cards and things it can pick, but I don't like the 2 color-ness of it. Maybe it'd be okay (but strong) as a
I'm not a huge fan of elvish visionary either, but Wayfinder seems better than visionary does, since he actually helps an archetype as opposed to visonary who just kinda durdles.
Hermit Druid seems sweet, Wild Mongrel is seriously getting you down in cards, and Fauna Shaman is okay (but really slow) at filling your graveyard. Maybe if every time you were discarding vengevines or madness creatures, but that's not really filling your graveyard so much as a one way ticket to magical christmas land.