I’ve been thinking about this card
I think I want to test it. What do you guys think?
Seems like a headache. Not so much because the card is too good, but more that you force the opponent to try and play the game without saying any numbers. The controller of Number Crunch is then going to be tasked with tallying all numbers, damage, life totals for the game. Just seems like it going to make the game more cumbersome.
This card reminds me of the one Halloween when I was a server at a bar in Philly, and I dressed as a mime. I spent the entire night serving people without speaking. My tables absolutely loved it, the gratuity flowed, but after a few minutes the novelty had worn off. I stayed in character, didn't speak to even my coworkers for 9 hours. I got home at 3AM. It was one of the most exhausting nights I've ever had. So yeah, do not want.