Sets [THB] Theros Beyond Death *SPOILER*

I must admit I don't find much to like in sets that take so heavily from previous work. It seems fake and wonky to have "Greek mythology with the serial numbers blurred out". I did not like Throne of Eldraine for a similar reason: A fairytale world is a good idea, taking well-known fairytales and turning them into cards, however, left me completely empty.

I wonder how long it will take Magic to release a Sherlock Holmes set. It seems inevitable.


Regarding the card, it seems absolutely terrible. You spend 1G for over three turns for "Mill 3, then Raise the dead". Seems awful.
I think Binding will be excellent in The Black Cube where the second ability will often be super relevant. Not hard to imagine a green deck there that wants all three effects. It's slow, sure, but messing with yards a little (as opposed to yard-wraths) is something I'm really seeking for that environment.
I'm gonna watch the The Binding of the Titans - I'm trying to subtly push my Golgari section to be a Delirium archetype. This to me looks like a Vessel of Nascency, but a bit cheaper to utilize at the cost of versatility in your selection (only creatures/lands vs. all permanents). Nascency is likely just better, but damn I'm a sucker for Sagas.

Wizards, can't you just ban Planeswalkers and replace them with Sagas?
I must admit I don't find much to like in sets that take so heavily from previous work. It seems fake and wonky to have "Greek mythology with the serial numbers blurred out". I did not like Throne of Eldraine for a similar reason: A fairytale world is a good idea, taking well-known fairytales and turning them into cards, however, left me completely empty.

I wonder how long it will take Magic to release a Sherlock Holmes set. It seems inevitable.


Regarding the card, it seems absolutely terrible. You spend 1G for over three turns for "Mill 3, then Raise the dead". Seems awful.

It's more important that the cards are fun to play with than have completely original lore. I'd much rather have a set with great cards based on well-known tropes like Throne of Eldraine than a crappy set with a unique story like Homelands.

As long as the game is fun, it doesn't matter whether or not the lore is something new or not.


This is chaffy. Why did they use a rare slot in this set on this? Could they not have shoved this into a commander product?

Dom Harvey

That's not a binary choice. Do those cards have to be based on well-known tropes to be great or can they just be their own original entity with identical text/gameplay?

I hope this set is more evocative than the 'haha it's an Akroan Horse geddit?!' flavour that original Theros leaned on a lot
It's more important that the cards are fun to play with than have completely original lore. I'd much rather have a set with great cards based on well-known tropes like Throne of Eldraine than a crappy set with a unique story like Homelands.
Sure, but it's not necessary for cards to be thinly veiled copies of previous work for them to play well.

I mean, it's not tropes that bother me. What Throne of Eldraine and Theros do is reference well-known stories or characters. You have knock-off Robbin Hood, knock-off Arthur and knock-off Lion King references. It's shallow and patronizing.

Ravnica and Mirrodin may not be extremely original settings, but they don't have carbon copies of pop culture characters.


Ecstatic Orb
I mean, it's not tropes that bother me. What Throne of Eldraine and Theros do is reference well-known stories or characters. You have knock-off Robbin Hood, knock-off Arthur and knock-off Lion King references. It's shallow and patronizing.

To each their own. I have absolutely no problem with these cards. In fact, I like them, they make me go: "Ha! That's cute how they translated that into a Magic card!" Or, you know, not, if the card is really bad, but in that case I don't care that it's a knockoff either.
I agree. We are all different (more or less) and all have different taste (more or less).
I respect other people with different opinions than mine which in this case is pro 95 % of Magic sets that gets released into Standard.
It’s a build-around History of Benalia in black :p


Although it will not create two 2/2s on average even if your cube/deck is suited for it. You do not need any Zombies to make this work but you do need a ton of creatures and/or enchantments. I personally like the third chapter because I like when cards gives a small scry or a small life gain as an added bonus and this one does both. It is easy to splash and feeds the graveyard besides creating tokens.

One of my drafters is going to love this because it has the word "Zombie" written on it. I love it because it has the words "enchantment" and "graveyard" written on it.


I can play this! I've wanted to get Thirst for Knowledge into the cube for a long time, and this is just that but it cares about enchantments!


This would almost be worth a thought if you could flicker it to save it. I don't see a cube deck that really wants this. I would say "RDW can play this" because it allows them to recycle their Lightning Bolts and the like, but I'm not sure aggro really wants a card that's a do nothing until the late game. If you want to re-cast spells twice in one turn with this, you need at least seven cards in your graveyard- the thing you want to re-cast and then 6 cards for escaping twice. I'm not ready to say "pass" on this quite yet, but I fail to see what deck would truly want this card.
Underworld Breach is nutso. Yawgwill goes nice in midrange, control, combo, and I see this working there as well.

Think again Velrun! I really like this design; it's a free sac outlet, it comes with two bodies, and it benefits from dying (or well, being resurrected), all for 3 mana.

This card just feels so disjointed to me. What is the reference here? Is there a reason this is a horror instead of a zombie or zombie horror? I'm scared. Please send help.

So two of the monocolored gods have been spoiled and they are both 4 cost 5/6’s that requires 5 devotion to become creatures.

View attachment 2915

It looks like black Aristocrats creatures are 4 cost these days :)
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician
Rankle, Master of Pranks

I'm so done with aristocrats. This Erebos is not near as good as the original in my opinion and I don't think supporting a fairly narrow midrange deck is a good justification for including this card. Pass.


Hey guys look! It says the word discard on it! Put It In Drakes!

Chris Taylor


Not sure I need a graveyard hate card in WB when Sultai and Jund are graveyard based wedges in my cube. This isn't opponent only.
Also you get the "Good card, randomly hoses the fuck out of your opponent" feeling you get with lifebane zombie, which I never really liked.


Languish has been good, and this is coming from the guy who was on double damnation for years. This card maybe killing planeswalkers is sweet, since you can plus where you might not normally since you know it's coming.
Someone around here just cut the wildfire part of their Enrage deck, and swapping in two copies of this sight unseen might be the right move.


Okay so they're probably not reprinting Nykthos into standard. Whew, that card is not fair.


Hey I like it. Solid all round, good in self mill and aristocrats.


Saf, I hear you on Yawg Will, but yawg will isn't 3 cards per flashback.

Not sure I need a graveyard hate card in WB when Sultai and Jund are graveyard based wedges in my cube. This isn't opponent only.
Also you get the "Good card, randomly hoses the fuck out of your opponent" feeling you get with lifebane zombie, which I never really liked.

I would play this if it were Mono-White, dropping menace. I don't like this card all that much as it is- I'd rather use a gold slot on something other than a hate card.
Kuronos reminds me of Questing Beast: All power and no play.

Storm's fury looks strong. I'm not into the market for a 4 mana red wrath, but it is a four mana red wrath.
Okay. What the ACTUAL FUCK? This is one of the most obviously broken cards they've printed in a while.
It's very dumb of them to print these kind of cards, but it's unlikely to be as broken as it seems at first glance. You need 8 cards in your graveyard for it to be better then Regrowth, 12 or 16 before it gets into "I win" territory.

The problem I see is that you can play the same cards over and over. So it should be possible to build a deck focusing on self-mill and then play this to chain self-mills until you have all the right cards in your graveyard or whatever.

So yeah, I don't think it's going to be broken. However, I can't think of it being a good space to work on. It's either going to be busted and unfun to play against or binder fodder.