Well, that ended quickly. So I just burned through all my matches here were my results:
Round 1 vs UB Delver 2-0
Well that didn't take long to find a delver.
Apparently bounce is good against delve creatures and the glacial rays finished off the delvers whenever they appeared. Felt in control during both games. He timed out in game 2 but I'll take it as a win.
Round 2 vs Burn 1-2
Game 1 and after a Rift Bolt, Curse of the Pierced Heart and two lightning bolts I know I have absolutely no chance and look at my hand of Consuming Vortex's and sigh.
Game 2 I take out the vortex's and torrent of stone's to put in the vital surges and wear away. I slowly set up with some draw spells and hit away two Goblin Fireslinger with some spliced Glacial Rays. Peer for a Vital Surge and splice it onto everything I can. I managed to get to 8 life with him having no cards in hand and won from there.
Game 3 he does what he usually does and I dig hopelessly to find a Vital Surge. It hits turn 6, he Fireblasts me and I peer in response. Whiff on the Surge and sadly have to gg.
Round 3 vs Artifact Jeskai 0-2
Game 1 he gets an early Kuldotha Rebirth and I struggle to take them down as I am taking down Lone Missionary's Glint Hawks and Mulldrifters during each other turn. I get to 7 life and he Galvanic Blasts me twice.
Game 2 was pretty close. He kept using Ichor Wellsprings and Glint Hawks to draw cards while I ramping, filtering and burning them away. He kept throwing value guys out and some burn when we had it and we eventually get to this point.
So he has Galvanic Blasted me at the end of my turn. I have a feeling he might have enough burn to finish me off. So I just go for it and Ire of Kaminari. It resolves, so I fire off the other one and get mana leaked. Then proceed to die to burn during his turn. Don't know if I should have Surged there or something, oh well.
Round 4 vs Naya Slivers 2-0
This is the matchup I live for. All I need is a Glacial Ray in hand at the start and they almost cannot win. I had a small heart attack in this game when he dropped a Heart Sliver, Hive Stirrings and Muscle Sliver in one turn, when I was tapped out (Cursed Kodama's Reach being a sorcery). I managed to mitigate the damage then just double Ire him out.
Game 2 he must have been on the surprise plan because he didn't play a spell for the first 5 turns. I just burned through my library with two dampen thoughts during this process and managed to kill him on turn 7 with double Ire.
Round 5 vs Esper Familiar 0-2
Game 1 on the draw the first thing I do is Kodama's Reach. His turn 4 entails Sunscape Familiar -> Cloud of Faeries -> Swamp -> evoke Mulldrifter -> Sac trigger on the stack Ghostly Flicker on drifter and faerie -> Preordain -> Cloud of Faeries -> Nightscape Familiar -> Snap Mulldrifter -> Sunscape Familiar -> Mulldrifter. Oh boy am I in trouble.
So I just pass turn holding up some terrible instants then he Capsize's two of my lands and I know I have lost and scoop.
Game 2 has some interesting plays. I manage to Eye to Nowhere a Bounceland on turn 3 for value. I also dispel a snap and a ghostly flicker to stop combo shenanigans. My only issue was that I was stuck on only islands. So there I was sitting there with an electrickery and Glacial Ray in hand while my opponent drops a mnemonic wall and starts to go infinite with ghostly flicker and cloud of faeries. Than capsizes all my lands so I dampen thought him twice for vengeance and concede.
So overall I went 2-3 with my pile and to be honest it was what I expected. What I didn't expect was the complete lack of mono blue delver as my opponent. I would have liked some more aggro matchups but, eh that's how it goes. I have no idea how to beat familiar combo with this deck. Just need to be lucky I guess. I am definitely going to put in the last Vital Surge in the SB though. It is the nuts against red. Thanks for reading my results. If you have any suggestions on how to improve certain matchups I am more than willing to listen. I really do love this deck and will probably run though a league with it again.
Round 1 vs UB Delver 2-0
Well that didn't take long to find a delver.
Apparently bounce is good against delve creatures and the glacial rays finished off the delvers whenever they appeared. Felt in control during both games. He timed out in game 2 but I'll take it as a win.
Round 2 vs Burn 1-2
Game 1 and after a Rift Bolt, Curse of the Pierced Heart and two lightning bolts I know I have absolutely no chance and look at my hand of Consuming Vortex's and sigh.
Game 2 I take out the vortex's and torrent of stone's to put in the vital surges and wear away. I slowly set up with some draw spells and hit away two Goblin Fireslinger with some spliced Glacial Rays. Peer for a Vital Surge and splice it onto everything I can. I managed to get to 8 life with him having no cards in hand and won from there.
Game 3 he does what he usually does and I dig hopelessly to find a Vital Surge. It hits turn 6, he Fireblasts me and I peer in response. Whiff on the Surge and sadly have to gg.
Round 3 vs Artifact Jeskai 0-2
Game 1 he gets an early Kuldotha Rebirth and I struggle to take them down as I am taking down Lone Missionary's Glint Hawks and Mulldrifters during each other turn. I get to 7 life and he Galvanic Blasts me twice.
Game 2 was pretty close. He kept using Ichor Wellsprings and Glint Hawks to draw cards while I ramping, filtering and burning them away. He kept throwing value guys out and some burn when we had it and we eventually get to this point.

So he has Galvanic Blasted me at the end of my turn. I have a feeling he might have enough burn to finish me off. So I just go for it and Ire of Kaminari. It resolves, so I fire off the other one and get mana leaked. Then proceed to die to burn during his turn. Don't know if I should have Surged there or something, oh well.
Round 4 vs Naya Slivers 2-0
This is the matchup I live for. All I need is a Glacial Ray in hand at the start and they almost cannot win. I had a small heart attack in this game when he dropped a Heart Sliver, Hive Stirrings and Muscle Sliver in one turn, when I was tapped out (Cursed Kodama's Reach being a sorcery). I managed to mitigate the damage then just double Ire him out.
Game 2 he must have been on the surprise plan because he didn't play a spell for the first 5 turns. I just burned through my library with two dampen thoughts during this process and managed to kill him on turn 7 with double Ire.
Round 5 vs Esper Familiar 0-2
Game 1 on the draw the first thing I do is Kodama's Reach. His turn 4 entails Sunscape Familiar -> Cloud of Faeries -> Swamp -> evoke Mulldrifter -> Sac trigger on the stack Ghostly Flicker on drifter and faerie -> Preordain -> Cloud of Faeries -> Nightscape Familiar -> Snap Mulldrifter -> Sunscape Familiar -> Mulldrifter. Oh boy am I in trouble.
So I just pass turn holding up some terrible instants then he Capsize's two of my lands and I know I have lost and scoop.
Game 2 has some interesting plays. I manage to Eye to Nowhere a Bounceland on turn 3 for value. I also dispel a snap and a ghostly flicker to stop combo shenanigans. My only issue was that I was stuck on only islands. So there I was sitting there with an electrickery and Glacial Ray in hand while my opponent drops a mnemonic wall and starts to go infinite with ghostly flicker and cloud of faeries. Than capsizes all my lands so I dampen thought him twice for vengeance and concede.
So overall I went 2-3 with my pile and to be honest it was what I expected. What I didn't expect was the complete lack of mono blue delver as my opponent. I would have liked some more aggro matchups but, eh that's how it goes. I have no idea how to beat familiar combo with this deck. Just need to be lucky I guess. I am definitely going to put in the last Vital Surge in the SB though. It is the nuts against red. Thanks for reading my results. If you have any suggestions on how to improve certain matchups I am more than willing to listen. I really do love this deck and will probably run though a league with it again.