Going to submit either some version of this BW v RUG color imbalanced, dupe and trip heavy, morph headache: http://www.cubetutor.com/viewcube/62443
some french vanilla, low-on-card-advantage ode to Shandalar (with 2x Moxen and a hefty amount of ABU-era spells).
Leaning toward the first since I've worked on it a lot already, but I think a well-designed, Mox-wild, non-powered-cube entry would have a good chance at making finalist.
Is it alright if I steal this idea? I am terrible with coming up with ideas, and wanted to submit something for the competition. I also agree that a low-powered cube with a bit of spice could make a finalist. I have already put your brainstorm ideas into a cubetutor list and hopefully I can flesh it out during the week.
For some reason I feel like heavily colour skewed cubes may have some issues becoming one of the finalists, but in saying that the cube does look pretty sweet, I mean any format that makes Worm Harvest a great card is great in my book