Alright, new patch is up. I've moved +1/+1 counters from black to white (Now it's in

) and moved the aristocrats deck from white to green (Now it's in

). I'm pretty confidant the +1/+1 counters change will go over fine, but I've never really had a successful green aristocrats deck, so it might take more nudging on my part for it to really cement itself.
The reason I did this is because now the shards are a touch more aligned in what they want to do. Prowess (

) and counters (

) both want to keep creatures in play, while threshold (

) and aristocrats (

) both want to dump things into their graveyard, either from play or from their library.
This expands the space I can have overlap cards in, with

being fully in both prowess and counters, which leaves plenty of room (and keywords) for me to add in lords with the "If this has been pumped" technology.
As well,

both have the threshold and gravecrawler overlap, ripe for things like
vengevine, and
Corpse Churn, though I haven't really added in any convincing overlap cards in the multicolor sections yet.
I've (at least for now) swapped all 4
gravecrawlers for
bloodsoaked champions due to complaints from my control players. To compensate, I've added several more sac outlets and a few more
blood artist style payoffs throughout the colors.
Lastly, I've also added in Rivals cards! Specifically, thus:

Addmittedly the double deredevil was a mistake, but I ended up in a blue red prowess deck with both copies, and was suitably impressed. Not impressed enough that I'd likely add a second copy, but that's mostly because I'm a touch scared of this effect. A ton of the noncreature spells in my cube (across basically every color) are just cheap removal and brainstorm style effects, so this ends up being a
Wistful Selkie split card, which while cool is probably not something worth doubling up on.
Part of this might come from snapcaster being such a powerful card in my enviornment, but I think I'm better off diversifying the effects in my cube and then adding in the second. Maybe one day.
Warkite marauder was absolutly wonderful and I fully indended to add the second copy of that. While it shuts down a blocker, they do still (usually) get to block against the more groundpoundy prowess decks my cube tends to create, and it lets UR have an answer to large creatures that feels interesting and cool, rather than
Turn // Burn just sitting there in a pack next to
Tendershoot Dryad was interesting. The player hit 10 pretty consistently, which probably means that basically every other Ascend card probably translates better in my environment to "Threshold: 20" than something a touch more reachable.
I continue to feel off about Explore, but
Jadelight Ranger proved...alright. I myself have a huge aggro bias, and while I acknowledge that this mechanic combines graveyard, +1/+1 counters and draw smoothing (all things I love and try to encourage in green!), I find that all the explore cards play much worse than I'd expect them to, as you often find yourself with a large creature when you'd be wanting to draw cards, and drawing cards when you'd want a large creature. As someone who doesn't run
Sylvan Ranger or anything like it,
Merfolk Branchwalker to me feels like it should have entwine, but instead Explore feels like (even though I know it isn't!) a punisher mechanic, where while both options are good in the abstract, I'm always getting whichever one matters less.
Maybe I just need to suck it up, or maybe I should make my own explore cards, with blackjack! and hookers!
Or maybe a blackjack // hookers split card, I dunno.
(A full list of newly added customs and an updated list of custom cards will be available when I get home, but cubetutor has everything it needs to run, so if you're curious just peruse the
visual spoiler)