What a neat looking RG deck! Best deck I've seen for Bushwhacker and Atarka's Command to come outta my cube so far, I think

. Also probably one of the most easily recurrable
Vengevines, I can def see T2 Noose Constrictor -> T3 Lavamancer + War Marshal, or something like that.
Powered out another draft, this time P1P1 was Gisa and Geralf, one of my all-time
favorite multicolored buildaround cards. Funny thing is I only ever picked up two Zombies, but I have a
ton of self-mill and filtering, so I think the deck would be able to fairly readily set up the fleshbag-G&G combo, which seems even nastier in FFA. This backed up with recursion pieces leads me to believe this would be quite a fun deck to play! Only wish I had picked up a
Carrion Feeder, because that would be crazy good with
Corpse Augur. Noticed that there seemed like there was a lot of high CMC cards in this draft, even though the deck curve looks fine at the end of it all. Might just have been a weird clumping of what is normally taken evenly throughout the table. Also, after looking at the list a little, it seems like there are very few zombies to pick from! I think I only counted 3 or 4. Maybe a couple more could help G&G be more of a concrete "deck". One that I like is
Rotting Rats, which also seems great for FFA where it's hitting >1 opponent at a time.
The Deck: