Drafted my first Baron deck in RL and it was 100% sick
This was another hard control deck, that used
elixer of immortality,
death rattle, and
razaketh's rite as a reprogramming engine.
The deck was extraordinarily nimble, which sounds funny to say about a control deck. Usually, by the midgame it would start shedding sub-optimal win conditions, and begin reconstituting itself around streamlining a singular win condition, supported by the appropriate control tools.
Razaketh's rite felt extremely powerful in conjunction with elixir, and I think that is probably the core of the baron archetype in cube: unconditional black tutors coupled with colorless graveyard recycling.
The second sun and lab maniac packages fit together: the cycling cards fueling both win cons.
Self-mill card draw spells were great, especially when you could elixir->rite whatever discarded piece you wanted:

Epiphany was really strong, even at fairly small amounts, such as X=3. The effect is powerful enough on its own to merit inclusion, but not "embarrass the color pie" strong like FOF or stroke, while providing a powerful tool for supporting self-mill interactions.
I think its very format specific, since it can obviously be left in the dust by competing blue draw spells, and its going to be happiest where it can be a simultaneous graveyard engine/draw spell, but still was impressed. Very neat spell.
This was probably the best role player in the deck though
Super power smoothing effect, works great with elixir, approach, and lab maniac. Fogs when you need it, gets elixired or delved as needed, and you can unearth it.
The other interesting thing about this deck, was that even though this is a singleton (mostly) format, there is a lot of functional redundancy from the card pool, which made the deck consistent. 2 sweepers, 2 self mill draw spells, 2 delve cards, 2 tutors. Anything it was light on, or wanted more copies of, it could access with
razaketh's rite. None of these cards felt parasitic as a result, and the similar-but-different, not-to-similar spells feels like the Goldilocks place to be. Not the soul-crushing consistency of constructed, not the anemic, bomb reaching piles of retail limited.
Still can't get over how powerful the black tutor effects are, and the extent they can warp a deck.
Per our discussions on mana sinks
First off, the artifact interactions were just unbelievably cool. They could function as board pressure, life gain, tribal synergies, board control, vertical/horizontal growth, or card draw. This was another very nimble deck. It had active mana disruption from creeping mold and glimmerpoint, as well as a draw/sifting engine from salvagers, market, mind, wellspring, and feed. Feed being really good with blinked splicers and golem tokens. Than you have genesis.
G/W tends to be one of those color pairs that is either little kid, kind of boring, they struggle with interesting themes for, or it ends up being a drafting trap because it can't really grind effectively against blue based midrange. This deck has none of those problems, and a big part of that is all of the impactful mana sinks it has to choose from, that allow it to either draw/sift, or add impactful threats to the board.