
I like the idea of faith unbroken quite a bit. Traditionally, white had a clunk issue around the 4cc slot, but maybe with the slightly smoother curve, there is a spot for faith unbroken as a companion aura for faith's fetters. Thanks.
I'm honestly getting kind of tired of prison term. Irrespective of how good the card is or isn't, people tend to forget the triggers, which I'm starting to tire of.
For some reason armor of thorns never really caught on. It could just be that there is over-saturation of aura effects period in that color, for what decks want, or it could be that the card was just not grokable: there is a lot of text, keywords, and clumsily drafted limitations on it.
I am now thinking of adding a second Attune with Aether to my own cube. The two free energy are so relevant in energy decks, and it's the perfect set-up for Longtusk Cub. Card has been amazing in Kaladesh limited as well. The glue is real!attune with aether: probably the most questionable include.
Cut both for Armadillo Cloak so you can get stack the life gain effect with lifelink creatures (of which you run almost zero)? Saffi Eriksdotter is a fun card that is pretty cool combo piece with Reveillark, and it works well with Cataclysmic Gearhulk and Birthing Pod as well.
Sir, I think you may be getting your cube lists confused
No reveillarks, gearhulks, or pods to be found here.
Ewwwwww... Ok, I'm convinced, that's pretty gross.Armadillo Cloak on a Seeker of the Way turn 3 is stupid.
Building and drafting one of the classic Riptide cubes is the opposite of disrespectful! Love it!I don't know if it may sound disrespectful to post here, but: a couple months ago I found this topic and read it all and then I decided to build the exact 360 from this Cube, this way I can have a Cube that is fixed and done by somebody else and not have to worry about card changes and stuff.