The Penny Pincher Cube (360)


I know I have a history of not liking that card, but in all seriousness, I'm kind of thinking of something able to give a higher power or toughness bonus.

A bunch of the red and green cards care about total power, either to grant evasion or buff damage, and I would like to give them something that compliments that. +1 power is a bit underwhelming for spikeshot elder or goblin, and just giving flying kind of undermines the idea behind having evasion tied to power growth from wandering wolf, or pit skulk. I haven't even opted to run griffin guide for that latter reason, which is a card I like quite a bit (even though its another sweet sweet three--people would run it).

Faith unbroken looks really solid for what a WG deck is doing, but also opens up the ways you can put together a R/W deck to include the two pinger goblins.
I like the idea of faith unbroken quite a bit. Traditionally, white had a clunk issue around the 4cc slot, but maybe with the slightly smoother curve, there is a spot for faith unbroken as a companion aura for faith's fetters. Thanks.

I'm honestly getting kind of tired of prison term. Irrespective of how good the card is or isn't, people tend to forget the triggers, which I'm starting to tire of.


For some reason armor of thorns never really caught on. It could just be that there is over-saturation of aura effects period in that color, for what decks want, or it could be that the card was just not grokable: there is a lot of text, keywords, and clumsily drafted limitations on it.

I like faith unbroken aswell, it kind of fits with the idea of protecting your own creatues (in GW, oh how I hate their smile when they do that)

Also I totally agree to your statement about Prison Term, people always forget and it's just a feel bad when they realize it a few turns later. Either Bound by Moonsilver or Choking Restraints could be an alternative if you wanted to keep a card that fulfills that role.

I loved armor of thorns when it was still around! It has an okay rate and does everything I want Feral Invocation to do (a card that I don't like at all).


Ecstatic Orb
Sir, I think you may be getting your cube lists confused ;)

No reveillarks, gearhulks, or pods to be found here.

Ugh... CubeTutor doesn't refresh the list if you reopen a tab. So at the top it said I was looking at your cube, but it was actually showing the contents of my cube. I was wondering how I managed to miss the Pods earlier! I am ever so sorry :)

Anyway, Saffi is cool with Bottle Gnomes, Briarhorn and Brindle Boar? Ooh, and Pelakka Wurm (really nice) and Lumberknot (sort of). Anyway, Saffi is fun regardless, but maybe less so in your cube than in mine :)


Enlisted wurm is kind of a basic nerd, but cascade is a fun mechanic, so maybe people will like it?

Look how good saproling burst is:

Naya Combo Beatz from

First off, lets weep again at those 3s, with tuskguard captain and uncaged fury in the board, before we acknowledge that there is nothing saproling burst can't do.

You can reckless bushwhacker the tokens for 14 damage or you can cast it with rage thrower in play, make 7 tokens that die instantly to deal 14 damage or you can make one big 5/5 token, which you buff with a combination of become immense/vines of vastwood/Blossoming Defense/sylvan might/emerge unscathed, or make a bunch of small tokens to buff champion of lambholt, making it huge, before crashing in with your entire team.

Or some combination of all of those.
Is it weird that I'm checking the CT list and this thread daily to see if you're making AER updates already?

Is it also more weird that I'm more excited for AER because I want to see how this cube implements the new cards?

Please tell me that the energy cards from the new set have found a home.


Hey Jovial, thank you for the interest!

There aren't actually any cards from AER that I am excited about for this format. With a format this mature, making additions to it is really difficult, as the existing card population tends to be there for a reason, and predominately the only changes being made is going to be some sort of functional upgrade whether in terms of curve smoothness, reduced singleton breaks, or perhaps a printing that better fills a narrow gap in the card population. At this point, I am basically just sitting back with a completed format, letting a slow trickle of WOTC printings fill out any rough contours.

Energy still doesn't have the density, or a real reason, to be included in the format as a stand alone mechanic; and would end up regulated to being a somewhat cumbersome "value mechanic" where the energy cards are independently good, without any overarching identity in the cube. I feel like energy most wants it owns format, where it could be overlain with a counter-growth theme, which isn't present here.

There are only two cards from AER that I am seriously looking at:



As these help shore up the U/R artifacts identity, which I feel is a bit underdeveloped compared to the other guilds.
Maverik Thopterist looks very promising in my opinion, It's all Whriler Rogue was supposed to be (except maybe monocolored) and loves to be flickered or even replayed. It would go well into the Jeskai-ish artifact decks and gives people yet another reason to pick do-nothing artifacts like Voyager Staff or the Wellsprings. The dragon doesn't excite me too much though.
I don't know if it may sound disrespectful to post here, but: a couple months ago I found this topic and read it all and then I decided to build the exact 360 from this Cube, this way I can have a Cube that is fixed and done by somebody else and not have to worry about card changes and stuff.

And, last week I finally managed to draft it with some friends! We were in 8 and everybody played each other once, so it was very fun to see how different people approached the format! One guy drafted a very nice Jund Auras deck, somebody built Sultai Tempo, and so on.

I for myself built a nice Dimir Control list, after P1P1 Mulldrifter, P1P2 Wing Splicer and P1P3 Psychatog


I ended up 7-0 :) but my friends insist that I had a knowledge advantage on the Cube so they want to draft it again! I count it as a win


Ecstatic Orb
I don't know if it may sound disrespectful to post here, but: a couple months ago I found this topic and read it all and then I decided to build the exact 360 from this Cube, this way I can have a Cube that is fixed and done by somebody else and not have to worry about card changes and stuff.
Building and drafting one of the classic Riptide cubes is the opposite of disrespectful! Love it!