ok, back to business. Modin got me thinking about adding some more artifact destruction and enchantment destruction to the cube. Its true that a lot of the artifacts you can either hit with standard removal or are there to be sacrificed, but not having a good way to interact with the equipment pieces in particular can be rough.
I think we've crossed the milestone where artifact and enchantment removal dosen't actually
have to be attached to a stick to be playable.
I was thinking:

Justice is kind of neat in the sense that it provides incentive to go into G/R, but dosen't require it. Its also mass removal and a mana sink. The dispeller's capsule counts as another artifact. Not sure about the zealot, I kind of want a 3cc or smaller creature that can be
unearthed in a G/B deck.
Sylvok replica is another choice, but I like zealot's stats better, just not its

cost. Not sure what the cuts would be, though i'm hesistent to touch any removal, as I feel the cube can't afford to cut its as-fan at all.
Modin suggested
tarfire and/or
nameless inversion (due to the synergy with
wort, boggart auntie). Tarfire I think is fine, and probably nameless inversion as well.
Another change I've been thinking of is cutting
goblin cohort and
mogg conscripts in favor of two
reckless waifs. They could really do a lot of damage in a bounceland focused world. Another possible switch is
salvage titan for
skeletal vampire.
I'm also switching back to some of the older power plays, because I miss them. Here are the changes


Toying around a little bit with the multi-color section, just trying out some old RGD favorites. Adding back in the second master splicer and cloud of faeries, because I miss them. The splicer deck really is spectacular to see in action, and its the play of running
master splicer into a board with an existing
rusted relic that makes it so fun. The double
cloud of faeries allows a lot of sweet non-green ramp decks, and exciting burst mana turns, so everyone else just up their game when the familiar monster comes out of hibernation.
Also, decks:
Esper Control Ramp
This started out as an attempt to go into esper familiar combo, but when ghostly flicker never showed, it still turned into an awesome ramp control deck. I love being able to run 15 lands in these decks, maximizing the number of answer cards you can run, running the curve up on powerful 4 and 5cc spells, and still be fine. The deck would have these mana spike turns where it would make 8-11 mana and just go crazy.
Bone Shredder is now a wanted man in multiple countries for crimes against humanity. Between all of the bounce, value reanimation, and
archaeomancer to get back the bounce and value reanimation, he ran up quite the headcount. 5 kills a game, not unheard of. The echo on him was great, as it both put him into the yard for reanimation, and triggred morbid for tragic slip. The artifact restriction on him was also a neat limitation in the context of the cube, and lead to some interesting plays.
There were just so many value removal plays:
archaeomancer on
unburial rites,
consuming vapors,
ribbons of night, and
sever the bloodline--just so good.
Cards like
swarm of bloodflies are just great control or midrange finishers, leveraging removal into tempo and eventually just taking over the game.
Some of the less common color combinations are also really coming into their own:
GR/w Pants
Gruul identity! I was very happy to see this list doing well. Again, the power of bouncelands, with another 15 land deck comfortably running a 7 drop. This was a really sweet deck, and showcases how good the artifact theme can be in other color combinations. This deck can either use creature buffs to control the board, as reach, to provide a source of evasion, or power a burst damage based plan. This was an artifact based plan, but different from the boros lists we usually see, which are usually focused on going wide. This deck was about dealing damage in huge chunks with individual threats.
Fangren Marauder continues to be the funniest card in the cube due to the global nature of its triggered ability: gaining anywhere between 15-30 additional life in a game off of it isn't unheard of.
Piston sledge has been a really amazing card, and continued to be such in this list, due to the free equip. Igniter provided another way for the deck to produce another one-hit knock-out punch, and was capable of striking for 10-15 damage on a go (before double strike).
Spikeshot elder though was the mvp. The card was insane in a heavy red deck like this. What makes it so dangerous was that you can activate it on the attack step. He had turns that went like this: equip
piston sledge (free equip), attack for 4,
ghor-clan rampager, and than activate it for an additional 8-16 points of damage!