What's an example of a superramp control deck in a regular riptide cube?
What's an example of a superramp control deck in a regular riptide cube?
Part of the issue could be that blue and green are the only colors without permanent, efficient removal. In order for a Simic aggro plan to work, you must take advantage of tempo options, which is a fairly specific game plan. In general, slower archetypes rely on removal to last into the late game, so a Simic ramp deck needs to make up for that with strong ramp targets and/or solid midrange creatures, which again is a somewhat specific game plan. I think this leads to people being hesitant to draft Simic since it can be a bit difficult to switch gears to something else if necessary.
Control Magic effects and fight effects are pretty good at removing threats though.
It's a big ask.
Looks like that was left out of the original draft. Eric, can I add that as an action item on you?i'll have you know that corporate speak is a moddable offence
Why don't we table this discussion for now and take it offline. I'm not sure that either of us has the bandwidth to take on any more tasks, but maybe we can leverage the work the sales guys are doing on this front over the next quarter. Lots of synergy there.Looks like that was left out of the original draft. Eric, can I add that as an action item on you?
The problem I have with this idea is that Clash is really high variance and odds are a TOL manipulation deck will run too wide a range of CMC spells to effectively capitalize on Clash other than pushing percentages by a small amount. It seems a bit too cute to me, unfortunately.
I strongly encourage folks to go the route of UG super-ramp/control, as it has been extremely fun and popular over here. A potent combo of fast mana generation, a disruptive toolkit, and creatures that can stomp over, fly over, or sneak under enemy defenses leads to some really run decks and a playstyle that actually FEELS thematically unique to UG without being poisonous - a feat I have yet to get well in-hand for some other, more commonly-enjoyed colour pairs. Bring to Light and the UG manland will provide even more delicious toolbox potential out of BFZ, and Awaken could play nicely with some untap effects for surprise fighters.