Card/Deck The Simic Combine


I don't think there is anything wrong with running it as more of a bant theme, that can give you more focused ug theme. There are some fun ug cards that have that "grow" style of play built into them.
I hate to ruin my favourite decks with the heavy hand of intentional design but I'm honestly quite excited by the prospects of a pretty accessible UG recursion deck. Regrowth guys and bounce+ spells. Throw in some time walks maybe? Top of library manipulation? A splash Colour for some efficient removal or blink tricks?

I dunno sounds like another garbage deck that is entirely too 3cc heavy in a Colour combo not exactly given to interaction but a boy can dream right?

Witness + cryptic command is almost as good as witness profane and you get to play blue cards!
Imagine sup, plant form? And that new six drop! Have you ever known the joys of chaining aether mutation with witness?

You guys cube gifts ungiven? Ever used woodland bellower to tutor for a value guy as good as witness?

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
My shallow and occasional thinking about UG is that I won't bother giving it a theme, since I already have a graveyard-shenanigans theme in UGB. I'm fine just running a few UG cards to support that.
UG graveyards/recursion is a real thing y'all. I would bet most of us are running it without even trying. Black may have the best reanimation, but U and G mill themselves like no other color can, and both colors have eminently cubable recursion effects.

For all you fringe-lovers out there

Chris Taylor

Is body double good? My brain can't really translate it into being any better than Rise from the Grave. can pod into it?
Maybe I'm undervaluing it being a blue card? o.O

Also I feel like I should try supplant form

Dom Harvey

big fan of BDubs

- if copying an opponent's creature you can still get value from your blink/bounce effects
- works with Imperial Recruiter/Alesha/Reveillark as well as the many many ways to fetch/interact with creatures
- one of the few non-black (/non-white) reanimation cards, in a colour with lots of draw/discard effects
- combo potential with persist/undying
plantform and mutation are both great cards that may actually just be absolute horseshit in most cubes.
I play a lot of mutation in pez cube / budget cube its way fun.

Witness + Mutation is one of my fave combos because its usually live any time you have both cards as long as you aren't getting your witness killed like an idiot. Like you draw the mutation and just bounce their nessian asp and grin like an idiot until you draw your witness or you draw your witness first and then rebuy your temporal spring or whatever and when you get to mutation mana you can just grin like an idiot pumped about your lategame 8 mana = 3 tokens plan that you can just jump out of with two great cards in hand whenever you find a better line.

Basically it involves a lot of idiotic grinning.
I feel like it's a fun direction to take the pairing. What else do we have to go in the direction? Blue has tons of flash guys/instant goodies. We can run Mystic Snake. Yeva, nature's herald and boon satyr both help. I love briarhorn but I feel like it's a little bit simple and it clogs up that precious four drop slot in green. Is caller of the claw good enough?

Collected Company yo

works with flash creatures, disruptive dudes, hatebears, and the brainstorm / scry synergy is mostly cute but still hilarious imo

like here's a UG coco deck from my cube, tell me this doesn't have what you're looking for:

UG CoCo from

(yeva is bad imo but boon satyr & clique are sweet)


I'm bout it! Just put coco in and haven't gotten to try it yet. Now I'm psyched to try. And yeva definitely might be bad.

Chris Taylor

I don't think there is anything wrong with running it as more of a bant theme, that can give you more focused ug theme. There are some fun ug cards that have that "grow" style of play built into them.

The idea of defending a single large threat doesn't have to be limited to UW heroic. What if we leaned hard in the quarion dryad miracle gro direction?
Assuming your cube isn't going to punish grey ogre too hard, you've got chasm skulker, lorescale coatl, delver of secrets, alongside daze, force of will, and cantrips en masse (probably going up to like 8 or 9 here, instead of my standard 4/360

Assuming your cube can't handle grey ogre, are any of these reasonable?

Also I don't know what the trap cost for this should be, but green daze?

Better name pending


@CT I like the ideas behind the first two cards, but the triggers don't feel simic to me (but the effects definitely do). Ula's Chosen definitely feels perfectly simic, but I have no idea how to evaluate the card at all. I think I'd have to play with it to get a good idea. The trap feels off, but I can't place it at all :/ I know that isn't really helpful.

In summary: I kinda want to make the land into an izzet land, change the trigger on the weird, play test the chosen, and think more about the trap.
Yeah, to make that land feel Simic i think it'd work better as "whenever you draw a card" or "whenever you cast a (not) blue/green spell" but i love that land anyway. Awesome manland.

P.S. Lol championship thresh. Lanterns OP. Also a cool card design. Would straight-up colorshifted Quirion Dryad in blue with an ability be good? Probably, right?

Chris Taylor

Yeah, to make that land feel Simic i think it'd work better as "whenever you draw a card" or "whenever you cast a (not) blue/green spell" but i love that land anyway. Awesome manland.

P.S. Lol championship thresh. Lanterns OP. Also a cool card design. Would straight-up colorshifted Quirion Dryad in blue with an ability be good? Probably, right?

That land is already changed :p I'm going with the lorescale coatl, since people get wide eyed about brainstorming with it, even though I suspect that if it's not in your opener that kinda stuff will be required for it to not be awful.

I don't actually play League, but I was vaguely aware this was art from that game, and the title was Thresh, so I rolled with it :p
Too cute? I like the design of the card itself, but are people just gonna roll their eyes when they see the name Thresher Weird?
Keep in mind I have no idea what the hero itself does, and weather this relates mechanically, but maybe my playgroup doesn't either.

I think Ula's Chosen is changing to this

Ula's Chosen {U}{G}
Whenever ~ becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, counter that spell or ability unless its controller pays {2}
Landfall: put a +1/+1 counter on ~

I feel like a preemptive problem I want to solve with this deck is the need to wait until turn 3 to play your threat and then start the game from there. Cheaper run away threats like that and Quirion Dryad/Vinelasher Kudzu (Both of whom I feel are a bit below the modern curve :() help it get started in a better way

RE: Colorshifted Q.Dryad: Maybe? I think you'd have to re-word it to mention white/red/black/green spells just to be consistent, but I still think that she's a bit below the modern curve. Maybe if that ability was like flying or shroud or something :p