Also I haven't actually
talked about any of these cards yet so lets catch up here:
Currently under translation, but here's another
drake haven if you want one. I personally think
Faith of the Devoted is cooler, but I also haven't played with any of these three.
Assuming the 13 permanent text is mostly flavor text (which it might not be. you'll be at 6 permanents at end step casting this on an empty board, so with a moderate amount of turns/other cards this seems quite realistic)
That being said, how good is 4 mana for a 1/1 each turn. My guess is eh? Like how good is
goblin assault?
All this time of playing rabblemasters may have spoiled me into thinking this card is better than it is.
I actually really like this overstatted monster. Look sure it's pushed, but it's incidental graveyard hate in a way that matters and isn't overwhelming like
scavenging ooze.
I'm not sure how I feel about it having vigilance. I hated it on
brimaz, but here is feels better? I don't know why I feel this way.
This also seems sweet. Solid defensive body which turns into a 3/4 kinda
Vendilion Clique? This is a solid baseline card, and it's a 1 drop actual black midrange decks might want.
Chefs Kiss. Really it's great to be seeing designs that are just C, 2/1, relevant and intriguing text. I'd lamented this problem for years in red and recently got rewarded with
Falkenrath Pit Fighter, and this might just do the same thing for green.
For the more combo-y among you, this is a 3 mana draw 3. That's powerful. I think in the dark a random cube is going to want something like
Tidings or
Precognitive Perception in general, but if the base mode here is something your environment can support, this seems like a sweet tool.
Hell maybe this is just decent for aggressive blue strategies? The
Chart a Course/
Blue Sun's Zenith split card we didn't know we wanted?
It is a right shame that none of this cards THREE frame treatments explain what a blood is

Now I'm not sure I want it anyways, because moving black away from "Can't Block Tribal" is an active effort for me right now, but this is a solid aggressive beater.

Man where is grillo when we need him right? This is actually a card that should probably be swapped into the Penny Pincher

Man this is so many words, but it is red
coastal piracy, and it lets you play lands.
Also trample for some reason? Nice. As additive distraction goes, at least this works within the ability itself rather than "this needs to be more powerful" text like
QB's damage prevention

Honestly I had actually been looking for another black walker that wasn't
overbearing or
terrible. I had settled for overbearing, but I like this a lot more.
Also I'm going to choose to view the optionality of the first ability as "people will activate this more and have more agency over their games" and not "man nobody is going to die to putting
Emrakul in their deck alongside this card"

This fucking card. Okay, so I love me some +1/+1 counter mechanics, but training (AKA reverse mentor) is not great. Being in a position where you can attack with this small creature and another creature with specific size requirements AND have that be a good idea at the time is a bridge too far.
THEN you have people noticing this can be used like a reanimation spell
So let me get the plan straight:
1) Play discard outlet
2) Draw reanimation target, discard said card
3) Play
Savior of Ollenbock
4) Attack with
Savior of Ollenbock and a 2 power creature
5) Sac/Kill
Savior of Ollenbock
Man we give reanimator shit for being an A+B+C combo in a world of A+Bs, but this? we have the whole alphabet out here in force

So happy this cycle is being finished out rather than saved to market a new set down the line.

This I like. 2/1 flying is not a bad baseline, tells you what blood is, the flip side is sweet, 1+ all round