Not the biggest fan of planeswalkers, but there are some cool designs here that I'm digging.
Both Domri and Viv looks excellent to me. Viv makes your opponent have something bigger or have the removal spell to push through whatever is protecting her and I also love how the 2nd ability feeds into the static ability. It's great that you can still cast the creature even after she dies, 3 mana investment for two bodies down the road ain't bad at all. I like Domri's static ability and I'm all for more ways to remove creatures in Gruul colors. Fight stapled to a walker is completely fine. I was a fan of OG Domri in Constructed, but it just wasn't quite there in Cube with the number of noncreatures you'd be playing in most draft decks. This one contributing to ramping into big bois early and then having them crush the opponent is great. I like that you can play this off a dork T2, then pump out a 5 drop T3. Not a whole lot of investment to get going which is great. I'll gladly be playing both of these, will spice up the Gruul decks and give them some more teeth.
I'm not sure how much I like Krenko more than other options currently at the 3 drop slot, but I do like how this ability works with pumps and any counter stuff I might have going on. It's not going to outpace Hanweir Garrison for damage right away or open up sweet Champion of the Parish synergies, but it does end up dumping more bodies over time and has some potential.
This card looks like a ton of fun. Become Immense is the dream, but even just Reckless Charge T3 seems like a beating on the play. What are the chances that your opponent will have 3 power back to defend on that turn realistically? Flashing back removal off a combat trick or pump on attacks is super sweet also. I'm a big fan of this design. Also, zombie! BR might have enough soon to make that the analog to humans in BW.
Diabolic Edict with potential upside and some sweet promo art. Solid if unexciting, I'm down to try it out.
I like this weird Simic dude. I'm trying out a +1/+1 counters subtheme in UG right now and this seems like it'll slot in real well. I'm also waiting for Hydroid Krasis to become reasonably affordable so this'll do in the meantime. We'll see how good he ends up being, but a baseline 4/5 Flample for 5 in ramp colors seems solid. Virtual 6/7 worth of stats is pretty nice.
What a great poster-child for RB aggressive decks, I love this card. On the play it'll probably a 2/2 at minimum and paired with any removal to snipe down blocks he can get out of hand quickly. Barring exile effects, he's probably going to Shock or Bolt your opponent or something on their side of the field as he goes down. It does a strange impression of Shrine of Burning Rage in that regard. I do like that as a 2/2 he gives your opponent something to think about if they've got an x/4 sitting back there. Also great with combat tricks where you can trade way up. I'm all for creatures that make decisions in combat more intensive. Sweet simple design.
I really dig this one too. It's like a weird card that helps out the Coco and Pod decks by giving another way to pull creatures out of your deck. I don't know if it's worth it mana-wise in the mid-game b/c you'll be taking up most turns to do this, but this could be sweet in the endgame. I'm down to try most interesting non-creature cards in Green tbh.
Both Domri and Viv looks excellent to me. Viv makes your opponent have something bigger or have the removal spell to push through whatever is protecting her and I also love how the 2nd ability feeds into the static ability. It's great that you can still cast the creature even after she dies, 3 mana investment for two bodies down the road ain't bad at all. I like Domri's static ability and I'm all for more ways to remove creatures in Gruul colors. Fight stapled to a walker is completely fine. I was a fan of OG Domri in Constructed, but it just wasn't quite there in Cube with the number of noncreatures you'd be playing in most draft decks. This one contributing to ramping into big bois early and then having them crush the opponent is great. I like that you can play this off a dork T2, then pump out a 5 drop T3. Not a whole lot of investment to get going which is great. I'll gladly be playing both of these, will spice up the Gruul decks and give them some more teeth.
I'm not sure how much I like Krenko more than other options currently at the 3 drop slot, but I do like how this ability works with pumps and any counter stuff I might have going on. It's not going to outpace Hanweir Garrison for damage right away or open up sweet Champion of the Parish synergies, but it does end up dumping more bodies over time and has some potential.
This card looks like a ton of fun. Become Immense is the dream, but even just Reckless Charge T3 seems like a beating on the play. What are the chances that your opponent will have 3 power back to defend on that turn realistically? Flashing back removal off a combat trick or pump on attacks is super sweet also. I'm a big fan of this design. Also, zombie! BR might have enough soon to make that the analog to humans in BW.
Diabolic Edict with potential upside and some sweet promo art. Solid if unexciting, I'm down to try it out.
I like this weird Simic dude. I'm trying out a +1/+1 counters subtheme in UG right now and this seems like it'll slot in real well. I'm also waiting for Hydroid Krasis to become reasonably affordable so this'll do in the meantime. We'll see how good he ends up being, but a baseline 4/5 Flample for 5 in ramp colors seems solid. Virtual 6/7 worth of stats is pretty nice.
What a great poster-child for RB aggressive decks, I love this card. On the play it'll probably a 2/2 at minimum and paired with any removal to snipe down blocks he can get out of hand quickly. Barring exile effects, he's probably going to Shock or Bolt your opponent or something on their side of the field as he goes down. It does a strange impression of Shrine of Burning Rage in that regard. I do like that as a 2/2 he gives your opponent something to think about if they've got an x/4 sitting back there. Also great with combat tricks where you can trade way up. I'm all for creatures that make decisions in combat more intensive. Sweet simple design.
I really dig this one too. It's like a weird card that helps out the Coco and Pod decks by giving another way to pull creatures out of your deck. I don't know if it's worth it mana-wise in the mid-game b/c you'll be taking up most turns to do this, but this could be sweet in the endgame. I'm down to try most interesting non-creature cards in Green tbh.