Author: admin

[OkCupid] Beyond Crockpotting: Tips and Tricks

The cat’s out of the bag. Earlier this week I shared my time-tested technique: the crock pot opener.


Ever since then my inbox has been flooded with requests from admiring bros and ladybros looking for a leg up on the competition in the OkCupid meat market. I hear your cries. You’re saying, “Jason, I don’t want just another copypasta. Take me under your wing. How can I be single like you?”

Just follow these seven easy tips.

Attack Typos with Reckless Abandon

So you’ve found an attractive profile and open with your best anus-related anecdote.


The response is promising, but we have a situation on our hands.


This is a test. Her typo is a hulking elephant in the room. Do you let it slide as an innocuous mistake? No, this is your chance to assert your dominance. You’re not some txt-typing plebeian, you’re a suburb-educated hunk who’s read through dozens of Sparknotes book summaries and scored a 590 on the SAT Language test. Drop some knowledge on this broad!


Bagged and tagged. Take out another line of credit, it’s time to shop for engagement rings.

Ignore Borewhores

After days of tumbleweeds, it finally happens. Your inbox lights up pink!



I should say something to this girl right?

You rack your brain. Her profile looks like it won a “bland cliché” contest, but she has a pulse and you’re running low on Purell moisturizer. You think for another ten minutes. “Uh… what kind of comedy do you like?”

You feel creatively and conversationally bankrupt. And in my case, you’re wishing this were all just hypothetical.


Complain about Borewhores

Sure, you’re not responding to them anymore, but you can still get mileage out of those boring messages. Ladies ignore boring messages all the time and now, so do you! Play that empathy card son! Clinton-up and tell them you feel their pain.


Boom, instant sexting. And she started it! Take this opportunity to tell her about your sex burrito fetish. Send her pics of your sleeping bag and bucket of hot sauce. You’re in!

The Friends-With-Benefits Gambit

I know, sometimes you get tricked. The girl uses the Myspace angle on her personality and looks temporarily appealing. Sooner or later her boring personality comes bubbling to the surface mid-conversation.


I grew tired of these questions by the second day of college orientation, and it’s particularly inexcusable on OkCupid where you can just look to my profile for likely answers.


So what do you do?

Proposition her! Tell her you’re just looking for casual sex. It’s a win-win really. In the biz we call it “value”.


You weren’t going to keep talking to her anyways, so go for broke and gamble for some no-strings-attached hanky panky.

It’s a win for her too! She’s not getting faded on by a hottie anymore, she’s getting skeeved out by some shallow creepster. It’s not her, it’s you!

Worst case, you get chlamydia.

Don’t Upgrage to Dinner

Finally, you’ve found a promising victim. She’s a ridiculously curvaceous German blonde and she’s buying what you’re selling. You offer to take her out to drinks next week.


She’s an aggressive one. She could use a break from studying, and wants to meet. This week, not next week. For dinner, not drinks. Feisty!

She suggests an expensive restaurant in her town and the date is set. You meet her at the restaurant and the conversation flows wonderfully. The check comes and she sticks you with the whole bill. But dinner was her idea!

You move on to drinks at a nearby bar, and she keeps her wallet tucked away. She ducks your kiss at the end of the night.

Maybe she was just hungry. Those curves don’t feed themselves.

Picking Up Dropped Balls: The Five Week Rule

So you hit it off with a with a cute local, but there’s one problem. She’s in Paris on business and won’t be in town for another week and a half. She’ll drop you a line when she gets back. Two weeks pass and she’s nowhere to be seen.

How long do you wait? If you message too quickly, you’re that clinger who won’t leave her alone. Wait too long and it smacks of desperation. Were you just digging up all your old message chains?

Leave the uncertainty behind! Wait 35 days and strike when she’s most vulnerable.


Missing Beard Compensation

You can’t grow a beard. Well, you can, but for some reason the hair doesn’t connect from your sideburns to your chin. It goes to your moustache.


Genetics may have failed you, but it’s nothing you can’t make up for with a little accessorizing.

2013-10-20 16.55.37“Nobody cared who I was before I put on the ears.”

2013-10-20 16.56.22

2013-10-20 16.55.46

The cat ears are more than an accessory, they’re a lifestyle choice. And like any alternative lifestyle, it comes with its share of difficult choices.



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OkCupid: Blind Dates and Delays
The OkCupid Experience: Dating Abroad After Divorce

Commander 2013 Card Spotlight

By: Dom Harvey


This is a clear staple for even the tightest power-max Cubes. While it requires a hefty mana investment to remove something ‘permanently’, the tempo boost makes this more than good enough most of the time. Typically the most flexible removal spells are sorcery speed; of the few exceptions, Beast Within carries a significant drawback and the most restrictive Abrupt Decay is a multi-format all star. Unexpectedly Absent will be a solid role player in Legacy and a valuable tool in Cube.


The choice of whether to include this card says a lot about the philosophy behind your Cube. Judging solely by power level, Nemesis is incredible. Does it lead to fun games, though? If you can stock the Cube with enough answers, or if racing against it proves to be competitive, maybe. Being under the gun against an untouchable 3/1 and forced to find a way to deal 20 in time can be exciting; when equipment and the like enters the picture, it isn’t.


This one is hard to evaluate. If played on curve it compounds any advantage you have, acting as an ersatz Bitterblossom. More often, your 2-drop will get killed or face an unprofitable trade and you’ll wish you had some guy – any guy – instead.


This is an excellent defensive card for any midrange black deck; either the opponent kills it on sight and still loses a guy to the Snake, or it lives and presents them with that same conundrum every turn. Note that it triggers on each upkeep; if you have a way to cash in a token for an instant-speed effect, it gets out of hand quickly.

Notable synergies include Attrition, Contamination, Mortarpod, Goblin Bombardment, Rusalkas


We’ve been waiting for this for a long time. A splashable, 3-mana mass removal spell that scales as you want?! The life loss can be an issue, and it’s much worse in the occasional ‘Damnation your one creature away’ line, but those are downsides I’m happy to live with. It greatly increases the value of creatures that live through it but which would die to a normal sweeper: T2 Tarmogoyf T3 Deluge will be a common play in Legacy, to the distress of Mothers of Runes everywhere.


Sulfuric Vortex is one of the scariest cards in Cube, and so a turbo-charged version of it sounds good on paper. The appeal of Vortex is that it’s perfectly costed for its effect; it fits neatly into the ideal start of the decks that want it, applying continuous and unstoppable pressure. Those decks have a much harder time mustering 5 mana, and when they do it’s for an immediate game ender like Thundermaw Hellkite or Zealous Conscripts, which fit in a much wider range of decks. Witch Hunt is a narrow tool that’s not really wanted by its target market; still, I think this is more than just a watered down Havoc Festival.


Restore is a home run: great art and flavour married to a cheap and exploitable effect. It doesn’t slot easily into your normal singleton Cube, however. If you have maybe 15 cards that it can return with any regularity (fetches, Terramorphic Expanse/Evolving Wilds, Wasteland/Strip Mine, Horizon Canopy), it’s going to rot in your hand or, more likely, your sideboard. For this to not be worse than Life from the Loam, it has to be a better Rampant Growth when it matters (that can randomly deliver a one-two punch with Strip Mine or bring back a manland for a second bout); when you double up on fetchlands, this starts to look realistic.

Notes from the Road: Bristol and Back

By: James Stevenson

I’m hesitant to call this “Notes from the Road”, as the title implies that this is a regular column and there will more notes to come. More is my intention. I’m sure I’ll drag myself back to the road sometime soon, but this trip was so awful in the end that it’s put me off this hitchhiking bullshit a bit.

In fact, I think I was pretty hesitant to do this trip anyway. My alarm woke me up at 6:30 on Friday, and I immediately fell back asleep and dreamt that I had decided not to go to Bristol at all. It was so convincing that when I woke up again an hour later I really had no desire to drag myself out of bed and make a move. DJ Shadow was playing his All Basses Covered tour at Motion in Bristol that night, and I’d already shelled out £25 for a ticket. I’d decided to buy the ticket so that I would force myself to hitchhike there.

I got to the road at 9 AM. I was in West London where cars are joining the M4 motorway, a straight run to Bristol. I stood there for about an hour, holding my sign and sticking my thumb out. Nobody picked me up. Some honked or gave a thumbs up. One couple looked really confused and pointed off to the right, as if to say “Bristol’s that way, man.” I get a lot of random gestures when I hitchhike, and I would say 60% of them have been impossible for me to decipher. One time I did get flipped off in Switzerland. I mooned that guy.


I was hungry and tired, and around 10AM I started to feel like crap. I sniffed out a greasy spoon and paid next to nothing for some breakfast. The only other guy in the place was a hobo. It was an odd contrast. He with his amazing beard, a pram full of swag and loot, and a slow, purposeful way of moving that suggested his senses were completely dulled to the outside world. Me with my painted fingernails (silver), £70 headphones and Imperial College Mathematics Society jumper, eating my full English breakfast like “ah, the colloquial English fare. What a pleasure to be so down to earth.”

I nommed my breakfast and hit the road again, feeling better. At noon I finally got a lift from a Kenyan guy. He works in the embassy in London, in defense. He used to be in the military, and had seen some fighting at the Somalian border, suppressing something or other. For a military man, he was very peaceful. He told me he tries to do one good thing for someone every day.

On the radio some BBC presenter was talking about poverty in England. My driver said it was interesting to watch England as an outsider.

“If you look at the history,” he said. “It’s really going downhill. In 10, 20 years it’s going to be really bad.”

The radio backed him up, complaining about soup kitchens. According to the DJ, having soup kitchens encourages people to be poor, which calls for more money to soup kitchens. One feeds off the other. Well of course one feeds off the other, I thought that was the point.

“There are so many problems in the world. And all of them come from greed. If we took all the money in the world and redistributed it evenly, everyone would live happily.” I hear this sort of thing a lot from drivers, but I’ve never been convinced.

“And look, all these people in cars, and how long did you stand there?”

“Three hours,” I said. “It was so cold, man.”

“Three hours! And what does it cost me? I have someone in my car, I have conversation, it’s human contact!”

“Yeah man, exactly!”

I feel like such a hippy when we talk like this.

Eventually he started talking about Islam.

“I’m a Muslim,” he said. “But all these guys killing in the name of Islam are wrong. Islam is a peaceful religion. And suicide is wrong in our religion, too. You won’t go to heaven if you kill yourself. It’s like, if I told you that if you go to Bristol today you will become a billionaire, without having to do anything, but I’m still going to Swindon, then why am I not also a billionaire? You understand? If someone tells you that by blowing yourself up you’re going to go to heaven and have 70 virgins or whatever, then why has that guy not yet blown himself up? It doesn’t make any sense.”

I laughed and agreed.

“And jihad, people always talk about jihad. Jihad, it means ‘a struggle’. You can have a peaceful jihad too.”

He wasn’t driving all the way to Bristol, so he dropped me at a gas station with 40 miles left to go. I bought a cup of coffee and a pastry, doodled for a minute, and then started asking people if they were going to Bristol. It only took a few minutes before I got a yes.

“You know what? I will take you to Bristol,” the dude said. “But if we break down, we’re screwed mate. I’ve already broken down twice today.”


He was a young looking guy, I would guess in his 30s.

“You’re from Imperial College,” he said, pointing at my jumper. “You must be good at maths. Ok you’ve got 3 seconds, what’s 52 times .36?”

“Ummm,” I said.

“Ok, ten seconds,” he said after three seconds. After ten seconds I knew it was something to do with 156, 312 and some powers of ten, but no final answer had come out of my mouth and my forehead was still scrunched up in the thinking position. “Ok, I’m going to go inside and pay. When I come out you tell me.”

“Sure thing,” I said.

He went inside and I worked it out. Then my sister called.

“Hey bro! Where are ya?”

“At a gas station about to get a lift to Bristol. The guy asked me what 52 times .36 is.”

“Haha nice! Ok cool, have fun!”

“Will do, toodles!”

The guy came back out and said “You got it?”

“Ah yeah, I did, but my sister called and now I forgot it,” I said. “Something to do with 18.72 or something.”

“6,” he corrected me.

“Yeah 76, of course,” I agreed. I dunno if he knew he was wrong.

“You’re lucky my wife isn’t here,” he said as we started driving away. “She hates it when I pick up hitch hikers. We were in Morocco and I was picking them up.”

“Yeah man, but that’s ok. You know, when I first started hitch hiking I’d get really angry at all the people just blowing by me,” I started.

“Yeah, fucking cunts.”

“But you know, some people don’t want to pick people up, and that’s fine.”

“Yeah I guess. Hey what’s your name?”

“I’m James,” I said, shaking his hand.

“Good to meet you, I’m Steph.”

Everything in Steph’s life had gone wrong. He used to be a trader “in the city”, making big money in the pit.

“Some years you take in 500 thousand, some years you lose 200 thousand. That’s how it goes. I’m burnt out now, though, man. I’m 41, I lost my company, lost my money. I’m living on 20 grand a year, you know? That’s nothing! They had to cut out half my liver, my cars broken down twice. I think my car broke down so I could pick you up today and complain about it all. I’m just sitting here cursing life, and you gotta listen to me, sorry man.”

He’d also cracked a disc in his spine when he was a teenager.

“I had to stand erect all the time. I couldn’t sit down. I had to shit erect, you know, and couldn’t wipe.”

This guy had had a hell of a life.


“When I was in the city I always did my best and worked as hard as I could. It turns out everything is about who you know, though, and nobody ever told me that.”

“Yeah,” I said, “I was always told ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.’“

“Yeah, you see? Nobody ever told me that. That’s why I hate these cunts in the city that get lucky or whatever. I worked fucking hard, and I was good, and look at me now.” He called everyone cunts.

“Oh, and another thing man, is the Jews,” he said. “Before I go on, you’re not Jewish, man, are you?”

“No dude, whatever, go on.”

“Yeah man, it’s the French Jews. They control everything, man. They got all the money, seriously. All the big banks are run by the French Jews. And you know what’s interesting? Before the Second World War, they were persecuting Germans out in Austria. No First World… was it First? Nah, Second World War. They were killing Germans, and the Germans were asking them to stop. That’s why they started the war, it was self defense. They were attacked first. But you know the propaganda and news and whatever, you never hear this, right?”

“Yeah dude that’s crazy. Interesting.”

Around then we started coming into Bristol. He went through the town center and let me out. We said our goodbyes and I parted. The stuff about the Jews was pretty strange, but I like the guy. I like everyone.

It was something like 2 or 3PM and the gig wasn’t until 11. I had a date with a pizza, got lost, took a piss by a river, found my way again, and walked into the venue like 7 hours early.

“Hey can I help set up or something?” I asked.

“Uh yeah sure, you work here?”

“No no, I’m just here for the gig, I’ve just got a ticket. I’m like 7 hours early, though.”

“Hah! No, man, sorry. You know if you get hurt or something it’s a problem, right.”

“Yeah, I figured, but I thought I’d ask.”

“Where you from, kid?” said the guy as he went up some stairs and out of sight.

“Uh, well I grew up in New Jersey and..” I started to say

“Well, don’t worry about it man, it’s not your fault!”

I let out a laugh and walked back to town.

I spent 5 hours in a swaggin cafe. The coffee was good, the lady working there was very pretty (though at least twice my age), there was a barber shop in the back, and the cafe was full of cool stuff. I stayed there for hours and not single other customer came in.

On the shelf next to me was “Our Island Story”, by H. E. Marshall. It was a narrative history of England for kids, written in 1905. I learned that a very long time ago, Neptune was looking for an island to give to his favorite son, Albion. Many people came from different islands to ask that Albion come to theirs, but none of the islands were good enough for him. But then a little mermaid come before Neptune and spoke:

“O Father Neptune,” she said, “let Albion come to my island. It is a beautiful little island. It lies like a gem in the bluest of waters. There the trees and the grass are green, the cliffs are white and the sands are golden. There the sun shines and the birds sing. It is a land of beauty. Mountains and valleys, broad lakes and swift-flowing rivers, all are there. Let Albion come to my island.”

It turned out she was talking about England. Man, salespeople.

I read on: “Now the people of the little island possess lands all over the world. These lands form the empire of Greater Britain.” I chuckled to myself.

In the same sitting I read Terry Pratchett’s idea: “I think we got our Empire because of the weather. Anything was better than staying home in the rain. I’m pretty certain people looked out of the window and rushed off to discover India and Africa.” – Daphne, Nation.

The day was cold and overcast, the Kenyan had spoke about the decline on England, Steph had lost all his money, the amazing café had no customers, I wasn’t allowed to help at the gig because of health and safety laws, and I was fleeing London to party with a lot of drunk people. The gloom of England was everywhere.

The show finally rolled around, and I had a blast. At the beginning I was the only guy up at the front, holding onto the railing and dancing like mad. There was like a two meter radius from me to the crowd, I don’t know why. I checked to make sure I smelled ok and that no one had cut a massive hole out of my pants or something.


Then at some point I turned around again and the whole room was completely filled, and it was crowded, and everyone was dancing around me. Coldcut were laying down a lesson in dub, reggae, breaks and bass, and it was sweet.

Some girl came up to me and said something.

“What?” I shouted.

“What?” she shouted.

“Exactly!” I shouted

“What?” she shouted.

I can’t be bothered with girls in clubs, I was just there to dance. I regret that a bit, cuz she was pretty, and all the other girls that approached me that night were not. Even the one making out with another girl next to me. Several times.

Shadow came at 1:30AM and was pretty banging. He played all kinds of trap and juke and sweet weird music that everybody enjoyed. It was so cutting edge that nobody could really work out how to dance to it, but we all went wild anyway. About halfway through his set my nipples started burning like crazy. I kept dancing, Rick Ross woke up in a new Bugatti, and at the end of the set Giorgio Moroder donated his organs to give the sound so much body.

Shadow finished up at about 2:30AM, and I went outside to hold up my sign for London. There was pretty much no chance that would work. What kind of moron would drive to Bristol just for a bassy club night, not drink, and then drive home at 3 in the morning? What kind of moron would hitchhike there 7 hours early, not sort out a place to stay and then try to hitchhike back in the middle of the night? Me, apparently, and I also thought it was a good idea to keep buying snow cones until I couldn’t afford any more.

I lost all my remaining money in an arm wrestle, hung out with a girl until she ditched me in a crowd, and then headed to the train station with a random guy who asked me if I’d go with him. He said the club was closing at 4, even though the girl had told me it would be open till 10. I followed him anyway, and we shared a very difficult 40 minutes of conversation. He was a lower class Brit who’d lived his whole life in the area around Bristol. He gardened for a living, but didn’t even seem to have anything to say about gardening. He didn’t have very much to say at all. I did my one good deed for that day and bought him a train ticket, then fled.

I found myself at the road again at 5AM. I found the spot that suggested and stood holding my sign to the cars in the road, waiting for one to beep at me and pull into the gas station next to me. It was so cold and windy that I had to go into the gas station every twenty or thirty minutes just warm my body up. When I was outside I was jogging in place to try to warm up. I passed three hours in the fashion, and slowly began to feel very, very weary.

Coaches with big signs saying “040 London” were passing by me, and at 8AM I decided to give up. I was cold and tired, my nipples were still burning and I had a pain in my back. With great relief, I hobbled over to the coach station, paid my £20 fine for giving up, got on a bus, and closed my eyes. I was cold to my bones the rest of that day, and decided to spend the week wrapped up in blankets working on my website.

And that was that.

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A Steaming Pile: Ready Player One

By: Jason Waddell

Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One is unequivocally the worst novel I have ever read.

Let’s start with flimsy premise: the year is 2044, and the world has fallen into economic decline at the hands of the (not so) creatively named “Great Recession”. Worldwide, people escape from their dreary realities by immersing themselves in a Second Life-esque online game called OASIS. Upon his death, the game’s creator James Halliday releases a video detailing an in-game Easter Egg hunt, the winner of which will receive Halliday’s fortune and control of OASIS.

Ridiculously, the clues to finding the fortune can only be deciphered by those with an intimate knowledge of 1980’s trivia. We have the grounds for a lighthearted nostalgic romp, but Ready Player One never delivers. In lieu of actual character development, the characters that populate the novel are one-dimensional conglomerations of their particular 80’s pop culture vices. The books poseur du jour? A guy who claims to know more trivia than he does. The evil monolithic company? Hacks who dispassionately research 80’s trivia in sole hopes of winning the grand prize. Our protagonist? Enthusiastic 80’s trivia savant.

Rather than imbue the characters with any sense of personality, Klein’s characters stand as little more than a laundry list of Facebook likes. Our hero expresses himself by assembling a vehicle that is a mish-mash of various 1980’s pop culture franchises. It’s a Delorean infused with elements from Knight Rider and Ghostbusters. Even the book’s most laborious attempt at character development plays is tacked-on, forced and irrelevant: our protagonist’s best friend, presumed to be a nerdy white male, proves to be a chubby black lesbian when the two finally meet in person.

The book’s central draw, 80’s cultural references, falls flat as well. The references aren’t cleverly woven into dialogue and exposition, they’re just, there. It reads as a masturbatory laundry list of outdated culture. Hero plays a perfect game of Pac-Man. Hero memorizes the script of War Games. Names are dropped. Wil Wheaton is mentioned for no apparent reason.

The resulting world is one defined exclusively by outdated culture consumption. The characters contribute nothing to the crumbling world around them. Eventually our protagonist (spoiler alert) wins the contest, and receives a video from the deceased James Halliday, Halliday laments devoting a life to a long lost culture. He died alone, without love. He was too busy being an 80’s guy to cure his lone-itus.


Halliday hopes that whoever wins the prize will avoid Halliday’s fate, to find value in other people and not media obsessions. Which must explain why he set up a contest that propelled an entire generation into 80’s cultural obsession in hopes of escaping their crippling poverty?

To add a meta layer to this dynamic, author Ernest Cline ran a contest with the release of the book, the winner of which would win a, you guessed it, Delorean infused with Knight Rider and Ghostbusters. Cline himself drives one too. Halliday serves as the fictional parallel to Cline himself, and is, despite his wealth of trivia knowledge, the most tragic and pathetic character in the book. Maybe Ready Player One is just a cry for help. Perhaps Cline, an Austin resident, should take a page out of neighbor Romeo Rose’s playbook.

Ultimately Ready Play One is an awful depiction of nerd culture, one where its members are little more than a collection of their particular cultural obsessions. If you’re looking for a compelling novel that explores a world captivated by a Second Life style game, stick to Neil Stephenson’s Snow Crash.

Card Spotlight: Master of Waves

By: Dom Harvey

Now that we’ve had time to digest the set, the consensus seems to be that Theros was a very disappointing set for Cube. To a degree this was inevitable – our second trip to Ravnica spoiled us as much as the first, so Theros was bound to be weak by comparison – but the more fundamental problem is that the set’s mechanics are inherently poorly suited to a Limited format that isn’t designed with them in mind. Heroic requires a density of targeted non-removal instants/sorceries that’s wildly unrealistic and gives you very little in return – how much needs to go right for Fabled Hero to be better than Silverblade Paladin or Mirran Crusader? On the other side, Monstrosity stands on its own but amounts to flavour text in a fast format with plentiful cheap removal where the other threats have much better base stats. Devotion awkwardly straddles this line: its effectiveness scales with the support you give it, but you can’t justify doing so if you’re trying to power-max. However, devotion does enable interesting mini-archetypes in Cubes looking for cards to build around, and today’s card is a great example:

Master of Waves

Master of Waves is a fascinating design, pushing not only devotion but tribal and token subthemes; it’s rare that we see crossover between these, let alone all of them brought together so neatly in one card. Some of the most fun ways to exploit it will involve touching on more than one of these; for now, the more obvious applications:

Master of the Pearl Trident Coralhelm Commander

Fans of the little fish that could have received some sweet gifts recently. If the card plays a role in Constructed, this is probably it. Outside of tribal or other exotic Cubes this won’t come up, though Coralhelm Commander is a fine man by himself.

Plumeveil Wistful Selkie Nightveil Specter

An obvious worry about devotion (and ‘Swamps matter’ and the like) is that it promotes committing to a plan early and never deviating: drafting becomes an algorithm to sort by mana symbols. Hybrid improves a Cube’s overall colour balance as part of a gold section and lets you take a risk on devotion without wasting a pick if it falls through. These three are the best of bunch, turning Master into 10 power for 4 mana as well as being fine cards in their own right.

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner Spiketail Drakeling Vendilion Clique

Master’s biggest weakness is that it’s swept away by a thin breeze but leaves you without mana to save it. Kira, Drakeling, and Clique are preemptive safeguards that make finding and resolving an answer more necessary and yet more difficult.

Voidmage Prodigy Patron Wizard Azami, Lady of Scrolls Vedalken Æthermage

Master cares about Tribal in more ways than one! Conveniently, cards that care about Wizards tend to be very colour-intensive; Patron Wizard seems almost custom-built to team with Master. If your deck is set up to enable Master you want to see it every game, so Wizardcycling is at its most valuable here.

Void Stalker Shapesharer Flickerwisp

Let’s not forget Elementals either (well, not yet)! The P/T bonus on one creature may be marginal, but blinking or copying a Master isn’t. Speaking of which:

Phantasmal Image Sakashima's Student

While they don’t contribute to the initial devotion count, Clones chaining Masters will bury the opponent very quickly. They also provide valuable insurance, with each Master keeping the other’s spawn alive after it’s gone.

Thistledown Liege Grand Architect Glen Elendra Liege

Those  icons have never looked better. EOT Liege into 15 power? T3 Grand Architect, T4 Master -> Sundering Titan (or something ‘harmless’ like Sigil of Distinction for 10)? Seems reasonable.

Æther Adept Threads of Disloyalty

No wider theme here, just solid proactive plays that halt the opponent’s start and give Master what he wants.

Jace Beleren

Leading off a T3 Jace, Master lends a good board presence for defending him or applying pressure. If Master isn’t answered immediately, Jace cements your lock on the game while the opponent struggles to stay alive.

Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir

Surprise! Adding 10 power to the board at your convenience is brutal when they don’t see it coming; and the beauty of Teferi is that they can’t do anything about it even if they do.

Barrin, Master Wizard

Barrin and Master were born to be together: Barrin boosts the devotion count on-curve, with Master giving him fuel to hose down the opponent’s board. If the game goes long, you can cash in a token to return Master and start the whole show again.


I don’t think this counts as saving the best for last, which says a lot about this card’s potential. Opposition into Master locks down four permanents a turn by itself, even before you account for any earlier plays. It’s nice that this is virtually immune to sorcery-speed removal as well.

Beyond this you have the usual interactions with Goblin Bombardment, Crystal Shard, Overrun effects, and so on. Competition among blue 4-drops, let alone blue cards in general, is very fierce, but if you’re willing to devote the effort to make it work the rewards are massive.

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