1_01 Mox Diamond over Day of Judgment, Everflowing Chalice, Rancor. pack has both remand and memory lapse
1_02 Savannah over Sarkhan the Mad or Brainstorm
1_03 this is one of those packs that suggests an entire deck: Oblivion Ring, Terminus, Knight of Reliquary, Courser of Kruphrix... not much experience with Terminus so the pick is O-Ring
1_04 here it's Deathrite Shaman or Lotus Cobra (or Reveillark or Maelstrom Pulse). Deathrite
1_05 Bomb pack for black. Damnation, Dead Mikaeus, Drana Liberator. Damnation
1_06 Scrubland, noting the Life from the Loam, the Crucible of Worlds, the Temple Garden.
1_07 Plateau here, sad that we can't get Magma Jet, hopeful that Wild Nacatl could wheel.
1_08 Figure of Destiny or Anger of the Gods? or Carrion Feeder? Seeing Carrion Feeder and remembering seeing Gravecrawler, took Anger of the Gods
1_09 we're back around and Rancor's still here. But we'll take Innocent Blood, committing to control
1_10 Sarkhan the Mad over Thalia
1_11 Green's still here, all of it good - Duskwatch Recruiter, Briarhorn, Reliquary - but we probably aren't green. So we take Emeria Angel
1_12 Reveillark over Containment Priest
1_13 Tuktuk is a nice pickup, despite the negative synergy with Anger of the Gods
1_14 Temple Garden
1_15 Wild Nacatl
2_01 big pack, Arcangel Avacyn, Firebolt, 2nd Deathrite, Flametongue Kavu, Banisher Priest, Flickerwisp, Magma Spray. Took Avacyn
2_02 Path to Exile
2_03 Inferno Titan or Wrath of God? At this point we only have Tuktuk and Anger in red. took Titan
2_04 Imposing Sovereign over Condemn. Note Abbot of Keral Keep
2_05 Galepowder Mage doesn't have a ton of synergy with our deck yet, but neither does the 3/3 custom Magus of the Wheel, so it's Galepowder
2_06 Have to choose between Arlinn Kord and Fiery Confluence. took Confluence
2_07 2nd Anger of the Gods seems good here, better than Sublime Archangel
2_08 so here we have Toxic Deluge or Priest of the Blood Rite.
Our black to date has been Damnation, Deathrite, Innocent Blood, and Sarkhan. Deluge is crazy good, but we already have board clears in 2x Anger, Fiery Confluence, and if we're in black, Damnation. Priest of the Blood Rite would be good with Galepowder, Reveillark, Sarkhan, but the

is gonna be a challenge. If it weren't a cubetutor deck I'd probably take Deluge but here I took the Priest for the funsies.
2_09 Banisher Priest over Goblin Dark Dwellers
2_10 Spectral Procession. Woulda been good with Dwellers
2_11 Wrath of God's still around
2_12 Unexpectedly Absent seems good
2_13 Spear of Heliod for our sideboard over Suture Priest
2_14 Cataclysm
2_15 last pick Become Immense
I guess we're building a deck that can fill the board with tokens and then nuke them all? Not sure
3_01 Angel of Serenity is a good finisher, Alesha who Smiles is in our colors, Wall of Omens is always good. Took lightning bolt though
3_02 Sacred Foundry here, looking at Fabled Hero to wheel and Birthing Pod for what might have been
3_03 Mox Diamond over Sin Prodder over Ajani Caller
3_04 Want Angelic Destiny, Hallowed Spiritkeeper and Lightning Helix, which one will wheel? Probably Helix, but that's also the sure thing here. Took it
3_05 Mirror Entity always good
3_06 Blood Crypt over other sideboard cards, might still be in black
3_07 not really our pack. Double Mystic Snake, Gitrog Monster, Tezzeret Agent - took Pitiless Horde for the Pitiless Sideboarde
3_08 All three from 3_01 are still here. Took Wall of Omens because I think I need draw at this point
3_09 Soulfire Grandmaster a very sweet late pickup
3_10 Sin Prodder
3_11 Sideboard or cut? Took Swift Justice for the sideboard
3_12 Hallowed Spiritkeeper
3_15 Parish champ