Testing makes me want to add these cards so far:

And not want to add these:

Unknowns (haven't seen in action enough):

I have briefly tested sagas, and I dislike that there's no tension in History of Benalia. It's just raw stats, and ok, multiple bodies over a few turns, but there are more fun cards that put out multiple bodies. With that one gone, there aren't too many sagas I'm interested in, so I just decided to not add them for now. Likewise, Untamed Kavu is just a bit too boring, and you never want to play him on two (unlike
Kavu Titan in its day), since the upside is so huge. Wasn't a fan of the illusion of choice it provides, even though the 5-mana option is one hell of a creature.
The two knights are sweet, nice flavor, hexproof from a color is exactly the right amount of disruption I want, and they are at their sweetest in the BW human deck I support, since they boost each other. Perfect pair! Other than that I was especially impressed by how useful Radha is, and how much value Rona can add. Though... I do now play both Radha's, which is weird... The Allosaurus is another good dino (which has a small amount of support), often just played on turn 4 as a biggie, the kicker is pretty relevant if you can reach it, which makes it another nice reward for RG ramp!