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  1. T

    General CFB Store Credit Contest Ideas

    Here's my contest idea: Have a forum where each person writes a post entitled "Why My Cube Needs a [Input Desired Card Here]". See which entries are most persuasive, interesting,well-written, etc., and compile an article for the front page. You decide who gets their dream cards. (Voting or...
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    General The Constructed thread

    Missed it--what's the decklist? I can't find it...
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    If we want to branch out with the white discussion, I agree we should see if the double-strike/pump theme could work on our budget.
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Ooh, glad this is so cheap, it's a great card: Crater Hellion, $0.25 We seem to have slid from white wraths to sweepers in general. Let's make a list of possibilities across colors, shall we?
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    I also vote for singleton in this case. Another design principle I'll suggest based on what most people presume a cube is: fun, splashy effects and gameplay should be maximized. What do I mean by this? Most people who sign up for an MTGO draft do so for the chance to make plays that would...
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Yep, we need to figure out what each colors wants to do. Should we just launch into it? WHITE: Typically, we have armies/tokens, pump effects/anthems, fliers, blink, some graveyard tricks, and wraths. Now, what can't we do on a budget...
  7. T

    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Yes, to be clear: we are pricing this out presuming a $100 paper cube. The MTGO version will be for testing (and will probably be a third the cost). (If anyone wants to draft and play my $50 budget MTGO-only cube, it can be seen here, by the way. I'm happy to lend it out.)
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    I've been adding comments in an extra column to the far right, to suggest replacement replacements...
  9. T

    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    My fear is simply that breaking singleton will, unfortunately, drive many people away from the final result. If the theoretical "best cube<$100" is full of duplicates and idiosyncratic card choices, the project is likely to be dismissed as Not-A-Real-Cube, but instead...
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Well, that's a good question. I vote that we should keep this singleton. What we're striving for here is a fun, balanced supercheap cube that demonstrates solid design and will launch people into the world of cubing. The point is to give people a cubing starting point that is also a blast to...
  11. T

    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Okay, the spreadsheet is here. Anyone with the link can edit. It's based on the average 360 pauper cube to begin with, but we will quickly modify it to get our own skeleton on which to hang our ideas. And heck, we can only afford half of this pauper cube on our budget, anyway... The total cost...
  12. T

    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Sure. I'm just emphasizing that my role in this is going to be the buzzkill who tells you that your themes and ideas cost too much... About halfway through pricing this. When did Night's Whisper become a $2 card?
  13. T

    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Also, it's going to be pretty frustrating to use CFB prices instead of TCG, I fear, mostly because the $0.10/$0.25/$0.49 cheap pricing tiers actually drain away quite a bit of value for the cheapest cards. (Remember, if every card was $0.25, we have used up 90% of the budget...) Also, things...
  14. T

    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Okay, grinding through the data entry for prices, through white and blue so far with the generic peasant cube. (CFB's multiple card search function is awful, by the way.) If there is no price on CFB, I am checking tcgplayer; if the low is $0.05, I'll put $0.10 as the price (as that is the lowest...
  15. T

    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    I'm making my vanilla-cube-to-design-over spreadsheet now, and was considering using the cubetutor "average 360" peasant list as a starting point. Any objections? It would get us a curve and a base cost, and doesn't have any one person's clever ideas in it...
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    I forgot about your CFB connection. I'm fine with using them for prices, especially if you envision an actual "product" out of this.
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Yep, but to keep things "fair", we shouldn't assume that the person building this has anything at all to start with. Once we start fudging that $100, it's a slippery slope. Can we presume basic lands and sleeves, at least?
  18. T

    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    Jason, are the prices on your spreadsheet SCG? I'd say we shoot for tcgplayer, and not worry about the out-of-stock problem. $100 budget and CIPT lands and no planeswalkers, then? [Crossposting! I agree that the "value" that better lands give you is not worth it when on a strict budget]
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    I've found it really hard to have any idea of themes and subthemes until you see a generic list with prices, though. I'd suggest mapping out the themes on top of a "vanilla" cube (that is only a placeholder), so we can see where things fit in terms of cost and curve. We seem to have momentum...
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    General Looking for collaborators/leads: budget cube

    What are folks' thoughts on the $100/$150 threshold? Having budgeted this out a bit, the extra $50 would open up a lot of room for us to experiment, I have to say.