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  1. Changling Bob

    Card/Deck Ahadabans Newest Least Favorite Card Ever

    If you're running artifacts that, if Dack steals them win the game, and if he doesn't steal them loses the game, your artifacts are probably GRBS, and Dack will be GRBS.
  2. Changling Bob

    Android: Netrunner Full Review

    Hello! Its great. Runners were doing pretty well until the beginning of this cycle of datapacks, they've since printed a bunch of good corp cards. Fast advance is still strong, as is tag 'n' bag, but other corp strats are totally viable and there's a few proper combos now. I have no idea how you...
  3. Changling Bob

    General Fixing the Die Roll

    d12 is best die, and anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong.
  4. Changling Bob

    Card/Deck Ahadabans Newest Least Favorite Card Ever

    Brainstorm as an instant is different from brainstorm every turn. Consider even divining top, which isn't quite brainstorm every turn, but is still absurd.
  5. Changling Bob

    Card/Deck Ahadabans Newest Least Favorite Card Ever

    Also there's no way this card can be less your favourite card than TNN, because fuck, come on, you're not a monster.
  6. Changling Bob

    Card/Deck Ahadabans Newest Least Favorite Card Ever

    Sounds like a good powermax cube card. I don't think we're going to get much from conspiracy.
  7. Changling Bob

    General Fixing the Die Roll

    Netrunner's great at this, due to having actions per turn, and each side gets click for a card or a credit (~mana) by default, so economy cards (~acceleration, except that it's much more necessary) end up being about effort compression, rather than 'you didn't get it so you died', it just takes...
  8. Changling Bob


    Soooo Cooool Also, those links weren't even there because I'm dumb. Deck 1, deck 2
  9. Changling Bob

    General Fixing the Die Roll

    This is totally me hypothesising out loud, but I kinda feel like this is the side effect of making agro 'good', when comparing it to control and midrange decks that wouldn't look super out of place in constructed. Of course, this isn't constructed, and draft control decks typically don't have...
  10. Changling Bob

    The Dandy Cube (Chris Taylor's Cube)

    Erm, these are totally the same thing. Too strong doesn't have to be flashy.
  11. Changling Bob


    I went 2-3 at a Netrunner Chronos Protocol tournament today: I even won against the bye! Decks here and here. The games were actually closer than I make them out to be, and the decks both mostly functioned. The runner deck could've been much leaner, but I think the corp deck needs relatively...
  12. Changling Bob

    Sets Journey to Nyx Spoilers

    I think it is better closed, but that's a slightly different argument. Its the same thing as lords buffing your creatures rather than all creatures, cf: slivers. I will not defend their art redesign though.
  13. Changling Bob

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    I mean yeah, the worst case is brought up to not be 'time to concede', but the average case tanks.
  14. Changling Bob

    General Custom Cards: The Lab

    I'm not sure 'stone rain, mill you for three, your next draw is not gas' is less feel bad.
  15. Changling Bob

    General "Sacred Cow" or "Cube Staple"

    I think trying to define anything as a cube staple is doomed to failure, as every card should be selected with its interaction with the rest of the cube, rather than because of some label someone's slapped on it. We can all have our pet cards (I doubt I would ever design a cube without FTK...
  16. Changling Bob

    I hate everything you like

    I mostly play netrunner and x-wing right now. The last time I played was the M14 prerelease, the time before that was the DGM prerelease, then the GTC prere, then RTR, M13, DKA, and then probably Future Sight prerelease. Maybe two or three games between any of those. I stick around for the...
  17. Changling Bob

    Sets Journey to Nyx Spoilers

    No, that's Future Sight.
  18. Changling Bob

    General Print this Wizards! (So I can put it in my cube)

    Rumbling bluffs seems awkward if it hangs around as a do-nothing enchantment once it's done.
  19. Changling Bob

    CML's Cube (405, polychromatic)

    This whole block seems a little disjointed to me. The way they've dropped devotion and tribute and brought back monstrous is... peculiar compared to what they normally do. EDH stuff is here to stay, unfortunately, as it's a good way to get 'casual' players (which I'm defining as players who...
  20. Changling Bob

    Sets Journey to Nyx Spoilers

    I mean I just posted a bunch elsewhere semi-relatedly, but the broken stuff is now theoretically interactive creatures smashing into other creatures and planeswalkers, instead of I-win combos and blue being objectively the best colour, instead of mostly the best colour.