Search results

  1. MilesOfficial

    Sets [ACR] Universes Beyond™: Assassin's Creed™ Previews

    The first (and likely last) product to be released in 7-card "Beyond Boosters" (a worse approximation for a real booster than Beyond meat is for hamburger made from beef), Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed gets roughly 100 cards in an environment not intended either for draft or Commander precons, and...
  2. MilesOfficial

    General 2023 Cube in Review

    I feel like we all did this before, but I wanted to see what the lovely folks of Riptide's answers were for the 2023 Cube in Review, like they do over at Lucky Paper. There are five sections -- just copy and paste my response and replace it with your own to keep the format like on Lucky Paper...
  3. MilesOfficial

    Sets (WOE) Wilds of Eldraine Spoilers

    Start of Wilds of Eldraine spoilers: Aug. 15 Prerelease: Sept. 1 to 7 Digital launch: Sept. 5 Global tabletop release: Sept. 8 Two weeks and change until proper spoilers begin, but we got a lot today from Pro Tour Barcelona! Interesting start! A new cycle of manlands, a cycle of fairy tale...
  4. MilesOfficial

    General Aesthetics Debate Club: Optimizing Art in Cube (Daily!)

    I try to make the best Cube experience possible for my playgroup, but since the curation of any Cube involves making over five dozen decisions even on days where the Cube in question is not being played/actively updated, that means that I have to go with my own preferences/gut decision over...
  5. MilesOfficial

    General (MAT) March of the Machine Aftermath Previews

    Most of the set (~35 cards) were leaked today from a YouTube video (Imgur album here) where some dude thought he was buying a MOM CE box but it was for Aftermath instead. Looks like he'll be opening another soon, so we'll likely have the full spoiler shortly. Kind of disappointing for it to...
  6. MilesOfficial

    Cardboard by the Numbers

    Hey folks, Back in early December, I made a ton of infographics to help me focus on my work (procrastinating with something productive is good at keeping me productive!). I got so into the groove of work that I never had time to publish any of them, but yesterday's news from Hasbro about their...
  7. MilesOfficial

    Sets [J22] Jumpstarting Once More

    Jumpstart 1 was an absolute delight with novel designs. Can its first true successor keep the pace? Let's see with our first four cards to start us off! First, the two commander plants: Haste-matters commander gobbo is compelling, especially with all the hasty tokens produced by red's many...
  8. MilesOfficial

    Sets [2XM] Double Masters Spoilers

    Only one new card in the set and it sucks hard my friends: This is the least elegant way to make this card humanly possible, which is awful because it'd be an easy inclusion in my card in literally any other scenario. Also! We have new art! Here are the new arts revealed so far that I...
  9. MilesOfficial

    General 2021 Cube in Review

    In conjunction with Lucky Paper's Year in Review for Cube (which I found it incredibly smart and insightful, particularly comments from our own @Jason Waddell and @Dom Harvey!!), I wanted to start our own thread here capturing our thoughts on the year we've had. I'm eventually going to answer...
  10. MilesOfficial

    General Spaaaaace: To Unfinity and Beyond!

    Today, Mark Rosewater announced the first real details and teaser cards for the upcoming (un) set, Unfinity, due out April 1st. Unlike the previous (un) sets, this one will not be silver-bordered, and presents some interesting opportunities for us Cube curators and theorizers. But before that...
  11. MilesOfficial

    General Innistrad: Double Feature -- A Double Whammy

    So today, the Innistrad: Double Feature card gallery dropped. Although some had predicted it before, it looks like we're just getting...greyscale versions of every single card between both expansions. Considering (reasonable) hopes for new artwork, even if it wasn't done in the exciting movie...
  12. MilesOfficial

    General Self-Recursive Threats

    I started my cube off in 2012, and Dark Ascension was the new hotness. Having been influenced by Cube content on Channel Fireball that may be familiar to a few of you, Gravecrawler was one of a handful of cards I broke singleton for, as it emphasized a combination of themes that I was eager for...
  13. MilesOfficial

    Sets [MIC] Midnight (Hunt) Innistrad - Commander

    Couldn't be more annoyed that they spoiled an entire video exclusively through a video with no high-res links to be found, but here's some interesting cards from MIC with cube potential (including one that's only found in the Set Boosters because collecting Magic is very straightforward these...
  14. MilesOfficial

    General Favorite Playest Cards?

    Normally I'm not one to let price dissuade me from running a card, but the weirdly high prices on some of the Playtest Cards from the Convention-Exclusive Mystery Boosters made me unwilling to test many of them out. With the reprints tanking prices this week, I think it's a great time to revisit...
  15. MilesOfficial

    General Using Cube Cobra statistics, what are the most unique cards in your list?

    In a recent change to Cube Cobra, you can now sort your cube by popularity. This has been a great way of quickly finding the deep cuts in other peoples' lists already, and is quite revealing for exposing the more controversial cards in my own cube. I've previously tried to use other tools to see...