Card/Deck +1/+1 Counters

Ion storm?? Oh jeez I must have shoved that card into the back of my brain after a random guy I met at college had a casual-level deck that wrecked MY casual-tuned deck with THIS.

And remembering THAT is flashing me back to a friend I've lost touch with trying to force as many interactions with surge node as possible so I would add it. It does some cute things (everflowing chalice, titan forge) but so narrow etc.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Now that I'm so impressed with Ion Storm, I'm thinking about adding some decent charge counter cards to go with. This would be for more controlling builds. Here's some that are widely played and known to be solid:

Vivid lands too, if you want to run them. I don't like them. My experience with them is that they are slow and most of the time the game ends with all my charge counters unused. I could run just the red one perhaps.

Here are some uncommon cards that I'd really like some opinions on:

I used to run Jenara, but she rarely got used and died a lot. Maybe her time has come.

And don't forget Tumble Magnet, which has been spoken highly of a few times. It could be a very interesting card to have with Ion Storm, or it could just suck. I dunno

As a different comment on this topic, I think I would like to remove Ghave from my cube. He's a one card strategy that doesn't really help or hinder this deck, he just spits tokens everywhere and does his own thing. Also, the pro tour people I played with were like "is this even a real card?" when it landed. The EDH cards feel a little random and fake. (I really like Roon of the Hidden Realm though. Edric and Curse of Predation are unobnoxious and accepted)


I think Magnet might be Cubeable, or maybe its constructed playability was just a result of a really weird format based on Attacking With One Dude At A Time and Beating Countermagic. Bomb and the top four are both a go, the rest of them don't do it for me unless you're in a very low power-environment, but even then I can't imagine wanting to spend a 4 on crappy Lux Cannon and a green ramp slot on Mana Bloom and a fixer on Mirrodin's Core and a Gold on Jenara and a ... what exactly are we trying to do with Spellblade exactly?

You might find more success searching for original Mirrodin cards with charge counters, IIRC it was a heavily supported theme (you know, for Ion Storm, which was very good as long as you'd gotten some dudes with charge counters p1 and p2) and, who knows, there might be a few gems from SOM too. "o:Charge Counter" or whatever

How is Curse of Predation anyway? Worth a go?

Chris Taylor

I think Magnet might be Cubeable, or maybe its constructed playability was just a result of a really weird format based on Attacking With One Dude At A Time and Beating Countermagic. Bomb and the top four are both a go, the rest of them don't do it for me unless you're in a very low power-environment, but even then I can't imagine wanting to spend a 4 on crappy Lux Cannon and a green ramp slot on Mana Bloom and a fixer on Mirrodin's Core and a Gold on Jenara and a ... what exactly are we trying to do with Spellblade exactly?

You might find more success searching for original Mirrodin cards with charge counters, IIRC it was a heavily supported theme (you know, for Ion Storm, which was very good as long as you'd gotten some dudes with charge counters p1 and p2) and, who knows, there might be a few gems from SOM too. "o:Charge Counter" or whatever

How is Curse of Predation anyway? Worth a go?

It's everything gavony township loves doing but lets you keep dropping pressure. Do it, it's wonderful

Some other things I'm playing in decision cube that might be relevant. Depends on how low powered you want to go and what else you're pushing. Toy is good due to the large number of x spells.

quite the fun card if you can manage to go nearly-infinite. but not for cube I guess.

do you guys think a simic-subtheme is possible? of course all the good cards placing +1/+1 counters on creatures but what about:

and evolve guys like Crocanura, Shambleshark and Elusive Krasis?
damn I love those crossbred aliens.
when I grow up I'll be a Master Biomancer.
Master biomancer was ok but the other 2 you imaged just never got there. I have shambleshark because {U}{G} tempo is sweet when a lot of your stuff has flash.


Fathom Seer has played well so far. I imagine Master Biomancer is good, probably better, but I haven't played him. Honestly, they go in the same deck and have the same role in a slightly different way, they are pretty interchangable all things considered. Fathom Seer has more synergy with the theme, while Master Bionmancer gives you more raw power.

Prime Speaker is certainly a 6 drop that gives you lasting value. She's ok, I have doubts she'll be around long. I mean, a (usually) 4/4 tidings for 6 is good, but you CAN get blown out and end up with a 6 mana elvish visionary.

Chris Taylor

Fathom Seer has played well so far. I imagine Master Biomancer is good, probably better, but I haven't played him. Honestly, they go in the same deck and have the same role in a slightly different way, they are pretty interchangable all things considered. Fathom Seer has more synergy with the theme, while Master Bionmancer gives you more raw power.

Prime Speaker is certainly a 6 drop that gives you lasting value. She's ok, I have doubts she'll be around long. I mean, a (usually) 4/4 tidings for 6 is good, but you CAN get blown out and end up with a 6 mana elvish visionary.

she counts herself, so on an empty board she's still a dinvination bear
I guess it depends on the removal suite of one's cube, eh?

how about Renegade Krasis and Ooze Flux? and how to link cards so you just have to mouse over
I always felt like those are the bread & butter of an evolve deck besides Curse of Predation.

Dom Harvey

I think Magnet might be Cubeable, or maybe its constructed playability was just a result of a really weird format based on Attacking With One Dude At A Time and Beating Countermagic. Bomb and the top four are both a go, the rest of them don't do it for me unless you're in a very low power-environment, but even then I can't imagine wanting to spend a 4 on crappy Lux Cannon and a green ramp slot on Mana Bloom and a fixer on Mirrodin's Core and a Gold on Jenara and a ... what exactly are we trying to do with Spellblade exactly?

You might find more success searching for original Mirrodin cards with charge counters, IIRC it was a heavily supported theme (you know, for Ion Storm, which was very good as long as you'd gotten some dudes with charge counters p1 and p2) and, who knows, there might be a few gems from SOM too. "o:Charge Counter" or whatever

How is Curse of Predation anyway? Worth a go?

This post has too few tangents and too many capital letters for my liking.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Re: moving into simic

Originally I thought this was going to be a really blue-heavy archetype, because of simic. I like the looks of these guys:

and... I dunno, not much else. The cards just turned out to be awesome as an aggro deck so I focused on that. I am really interested in making this work in control too, so some blue control cards in this theme would be great!
I thought about Plaxcaster but didn't have room for it. maybe I'll switch out Elusive Krasis or Zameck Guildmage for it.
how many undying dudes do you have in your cube? Young Wolf, Stormbound Geist, Strangleroot Geist and Vorapede seem to be the only playables in these colours.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Oh yeah, I was thinking of this guy:

Jason nerds out about this card every now and then. It could be time to add it. I dunno. It's one of those cards I just don't feel like running. It feels like a bomb.