+1/+1 Counters

Constructed analogues: Hardened Scales (
KTK-BFZ Standard,
The +1/+1 counters deck, which lets you waste everyone's time as you struggle to turn your dice-laden behemoths sideways, is a casual favourite and recent competitive breakout. With some new gifts from Kaladesh block and the Commander sets it can apply for a spot in a medium-power Cube.
This deck fits the aggro-combo definition given in the intro and certainly displays the useful properties of that archetype:
Early-game explosiveness
If you played against the Hardened Scales deck in Standard when it had its namesake card you know how brutal its starts can be. For a Cube you might not want cards like Hardened Scales that only fit in this deck but many of your best draws don't require these. Consider:
T1: Carrion Feeder
T2: Hangarback Walker for 1
T3: Rishkar, Peema Renegade; put counters on Feeder and Walker; tap Feeder to charge Walker
Carrion Feeder is rarely found in 'normal' Cubes but I know my audience and it's a favourite around these parts. Early reviews of Rishkar from the power-max crowd are very positive and I expect them to be even better here. Hangarback Walker, far from being narrow, is a universally good card in Cube and easily justified as a double if you're into that.
This start gives you a 2/2 Carrion Feeder, a 3/3 Hangarback Walker, and up to 6 mana next turn; if you like, you can sac Walker to make some Thopters and threaten an even larger Carrion Feeder.
When you add in the counter-specific cards, you get draws like:
T1: Experiment One
T2: Winding Constrictor triggering Evolve; Experiment One becomes a 3/3
T3: Avatar of the Resolute; it comes in with two counters, Evolve triggers and gives Experiment One two more counters
This has you attacking with a 5/5 on turn 3 with a 5/4 and a Hardened Scales
on legs ready net turn.
I stand by my view that these nut draws are more interesting from both sides than the usual Goblin Guide-Ash Zealot-Rabblemaster-Hellrider draw that defines aggro in Cube. You get the satisfaction of putting all the pieces together with amazing results and your deck is doing its thing in a unique way rather than rehashing the same aggro curve you've seen a hundred times.
Late-game power
Another big selling point for aggro-combo is that your cards aren't quickly made obsolete as the game continues. Hangarback Walker is designed to grow with the flow of the game; Avatar is perfectly good as a 3/2 on Turn 2 in an aggressive start and a game-ender as a 7/6 on Turn 6. Cards like Varolz and Reyhan let you get value from smaller creatures by moving your power around. It's common to have two or more 1-drops or 2-drops on the board which are all bigger than any of your opponent's midgame plays.
In-game decisions
The counters deck asks for more than basic combat math in one turn; you have to sequence your plays carefully and plan ahead with a vision of how all the pieces fit together including against possible removal. Just using cards mentioned already: Carrion Feeder asks whether you want to sacrifice your board presence for more damage; Experiment One and Avatar prompt a trade-off between sequencing normally and contorting your plays to make them larger; every turn Hangarback Walker asks for a mana that you don't always want to give up; Rishkar lets you scale up your mana production dramatically in future turns. With Varolz or Reyhan you have turns reminiscent of Arcbound Ravager turns in Robots which is known for being one of the hardest aggro decks - and hardest decks overall - to play optimally.
As a Cube designer the great thing about +1/+1 counters is that they are essentially evergreen as the game's only way to mark permanent changes in power/toughness. Highly promising mechanics like Energy are limited because they are only ever confined to one block, but counters can be found everywhere. Some blocks have a subtheme that explicitly cares about counters - Unleash/Scavenge in RTR, the tribal silliness in Lorwyn - and incidental support is sprinkled throughout other sets: Carrion Feeder was not designed as a 'card that's about counters' but is a star of the archetype.
This theme also finds support across all colours. The Abzan focus in KTK helped to centre it in those colours but blue has Graft/Evolve from Simic's two showings and I'm constitutionally required to mention
Ion Storm. Even obscure themes intersect with it in useful ways: an Elves theme can enjoy
Joraga Warcaller and
Bramblewood Paragon or your Heroic theme offers an existing supply of counters.
Since this theme is rarely explored at this power level it's worth looking at candidates individually:
Carrion Feeder/
Experiment One: Both excellent; I love that the key 1-drops for this deck are also important pieces for other themes I want to support (sac/Zombies and green aggro/Humans respectively). See also Cloudfin Raptor in blue
Hardened Scales/
Winding Constrictor: We've had debates about Hardened Scales before; attaching it to a respectable body makes the effect that much better and easy to set up via creature tutors. It also lets you pile counters on to it rather than needing another creature to get going. The more general wording on Constrictor lets it help out a small Energy theme if you want one or random cards like Tumble Magnet and Meren
Hangarback Walker/
Walking Ballista: These fill out your curve in the most important spots while giving you necessary reach later in the game. The only downside to these is that they can get poached by anyone in the draft, but for good reason
Reyhan, Last of the Abzan: A recent addition and a very important one. The rate on this is fine even if you have no other counter synergies in your deck; if you do, it becomes fantastic. Some of the most impressive combo finishes involve loading up Hangarback Walker/Walking Ballista using Reyhan and a sac outlet such as:
Varolz, the Scar-Striped/
Yahenni, Undead Partisan/
Flesh Carver: Crossover with the sacrifice/Aristocrats theme that's also popular in BG (see Mazirek too). Varolz can also load up Walker/Ballista (or just a Thopter or Den Protector or something) on its own
Rishkar, Peema Renegade: Another excellent card in a generic green deck, this offers flexibility by converting your primary resource - counters - into another resource - mana - that's always in demand. In particular Rishkar is great with Walker/Ballista on either side, adding another counter ahead of schedule or making high values of X realistic
Gyre Sage/
Devoted Druid/
Crystalline Crawler: More restricted conversion of counters -> mana
Animation Module: An odd duck with a ton of potential. The counters deck focuses on vertical growth and this is a unique source of horizontal growth that works in parallel and has sweet interactions with other key pieces. With Curse/Nissa you can tap out to double the size of your army every (/other) turn, with Carrion Feeder you can make an 'unkillable' 1/1 while growing your Feeder at will for 1 mana, and so on. It doesn't hurt to have a mana sink that can nudge a planeswalker towards its ultimate either
Curse of Predation/
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar: You want a counters 'Anthem' and these are the obvious choices. Some here have cut Curse for being too good in general and it's even more obscene in this deck. I don't know if I agree, but Nissa seems to be better on every metric: more flexible, more skill-testing, useful in a wider range of decks, and creates less polarized draws
Oona's Blackguard/
Abzan Falconer/
Bramblewood Paragon: I'm less convinced that you need counters 'Lords': they tend to be quite swingy and only useful in this deck. Falconer is probably the best and helps to anchor the theme in white (and for me goes very nicely with Thalia's Lieutenant for a Human crossover)
Plaxcaster Frogling/
Cytoplast Root-Kin: Graft is great and Root-Kin is the best 'Lord' of all: with Scales/Constrictor you get a 5/5 that puts an extra two counters on your whole team and can add counters whenever it moves them around. Also excellent with Nissa.
Mikaeus, the Lunarch: The best counters card in White, a Human, something you can fetch with Recruiter or Ranger or what have you, and ridiculous with Scales.
High Sentinels of Arashin/
Gleam of Authority: Probably a bit too on-the-nose. Gleam is very narrow but ridiculous when it works; one of my favourite recent Standard decks was this:
Gleam-White Heroic
Narnam Renegade/
Greenwheel Liberator: Revolt is easy to turn on in fetchland-heavy Cubes and many of the cards listed here trigger it incidentally. Liberator might be too much work given how many good 2-drops there are in green but Renegade fills a key spot in the curve, doesn't need other counters-matter cards to be good, and can hold off attackers if your draw is slow
Young Wolf/
Servant of the Scale: More 'specific' one-drops, only worth it if you're generally lacking one-drops or really want to push/signal the theme
Rakdos Cackler/
Thrill-Kill Assassin: Solid aggressive cards that don't require green
Lotleth Troll/
Dreg Mangler: Good graveyard(/Zombies?) crossover
Safehold Elite/
Kitchen Finks/
Puppeteer Clique/
Glen Elendra Archmage/
Murderous Redcap: Persist is famously strong with effects that grant counters; Finks and Archmage are in another league by themselves but Elite is worth trying. You can loop these infinitely with
Metallic Mimic + a sac outlet. Watch out with Constrictor!
Abzan Ascendancy/
Abzan Charm/
Ghave, Guru of Spores: Going full Abzan opens up the Khans options but they probably aren't worth it
Phantom Centaur: This cycle is promising but only Centaur is really good enough and the protection is irksome
Managorger Hydra: Do you like counters?
Verdurous Gearhulk: This is on-theme for the counters deck the same way Umezawa's Jitte is on-theme for the artifact deck; speaking of which:
Steel Overseer/
Arcbound Ravager: Apparently a team tested Hardened Scales Robots for the Modern PT (before deciding it was awful and just playing regular Robots instead, but still). If these can be made to work you have a delightful crossover between two themes that introduces artifact synergies to the colour pair least likely to enjoy them naturally. Overseer and Ravager are both amazing with Animation Module; can we get a
Throne of Geth up in here?
Model decks:
BG Scales
BG Robot Scales