General CBS

I think a lot of the bullshit has moved to the discord and that people tend to use the forums more for longer-form content.

Chris Taylor

mind goblin
SMH remember to tag your cards:
Anyone else hesitant to update their cube because a new release is going to make you do more updates every few weeks? I'm getting burnt out by the constant re-evaluations.
Anyone else hesitant to update their cube because a new release is going to make you do more updates every few weeks? I'm getting burnt out by the constant re-evaluations.
no one is making you do anything
As much time as I spend thinking and talking about Cube, I only actually make changes once every few months. I think I went almost a year between my last couple of updates.

If you’re not playing in paper frequently there’s not much of a need to update!
Maybe that's the strategy. Make updates on a schedule outside of WotC's.
It's quite nice. You can enjoy making changes when you need to and ignore them the rest of the time. Plus, it gives you time to think about what's actually going to be better and more fun in your Cube rather than impulse-buying random cards that may have little to no impact and never be played before being removed. You do occasionally run into a situation where a card randomly becomes $80 before you have a chance to get your hands on a copy, but that's usually not a huge issue because most cards are relatively cheap these days!

You basically lose nothing by only updating when you are planning to play and you gain time and mental energy.
Anyone else hesitant to update their cube because a new release is going to make you do more updates every few weeks? I'm getting burnt out by the constant re-evaluations.

Nah, I'm hesitant to update my cubes because my brain screams at me that I'm doing it wrong on a fundamental, structural level and that I should stop before I ruin cubing forever. That's why I work on a single project for a few days and then abandon it forever, never to touch it again.

Chris Taylor

Nah, I'm hesitant to update my cubes because my brain screams at me that I'm doing it wrong on a fundamental, structural level and that I should stop before I ruin cubing forever. That's why I work on a single project for a few days and then abandon it forever, never to touch it again.
Here's something relatable from proto youtube, weather this helps or provides a clink of glasses and a "Big mood"