I'm just bothered by the fact that whenever I sit down and want to invite randos to play some magic with me and people I know, I will now have to confront the fact that they might be gamergate grognards.
I don't really care for the tactics that gamergate people have used, but at the same time I cannot stand Anita Asarkessian, or the way that game journalism has shifted increasingly towards pushing toxic forms of identity politics.
Feminism is fine when it’s about equality, and as gaming continues to grow there does exist a conversation about the portrayal of women in games. However, "tunnel-vision determinism" (aka prejudice) does describe her worldview best (as well as that of a lot of identity advocates): she manages to take a niche hobby, that long catered exclusively to adolescent males, and twist it to a vision of men, driven by 50 year old feminist stereotypes about masculinity, and paint an entire group of people with one broad negative brush.
And that’s a bit alarming.
Also, on the vast majority of forums I would have never posted this, simply because the maturity level would not have been there to allow me to do so. So bravo riptide.
I think I'm okay with a lil misandry. I just find the jokes about it are getting a little old.
I've been considering 2x Lotus Cobra for some time now. I love landfall, so I think it sounds interesting.
I've been considering 2x Lotus Cobra for some time now. I love landfall, so I think it sounds interesting.
double penetration?
my penis is like lotus cobra + forked bolt
my penis is like lotus cobra + forked bolt
I really need that thread today.
Thank you riptidelab, for taking me to Antwerp, Toronto and Seattle (even though CML totally flaked. YOU FLAKED. I'M COMING BACK!) and the other places I will go to play good cubes with cool people.
B-b-but....they could...uh...have...uhm...