Yeah, this is a Recoil style of card. It takes two different abilities that are in pie (in this case both in blue's pie) that (sometimes conditionally) combine into an effect that is not directly in pie. E.g. Recoil says "destroy target permanent" on anTwo custom card noobs who know nothing
There is one... But I don't think it counts when it comes to color pie...
It completely removes a creature until it it randomly drawn again or searched for. But it doesn't give a draw to the player losing the creature.
It's just a Magic card for a Pokemon set. Maybe the order's switched. It's a little hard to say. Think I'll switch it.Is this for a magified Pokémon cube? That seems like one hell of a Magic card, but I don't remember how Pokémon resources work and whether giving someone (potentially) +3 energy for two mana is broken or not. As for the order, I don't think it really matters, but Oracle of Mul Daya suggests the order should be switched. That card first tells you you can play an additional land, then tells you you can play lands from a zone you normally can't do so from.
Na, I'm not going to have fetches here. I didn't even think about it in fetch context. It's not significantly better than Summer Bloom for the format.Um... Brad? I hope you aren't going to put Midnight Bloom in a cube with fetchlands in it. Because right now it can ramp out 3 (potentially untapped) lands on T2 in conjunction with fetchlands.
There's gotta be something between this and Splendid Reclamation, which doesn't seem to get any love.
Could remove the kicker and do "If X is 3 or more, return all instead"Splendid Kicklamation XG
Kicker 3
Return up to X lands from yard to play. If kicked, return all instead.
Entertainingly counter intuitive to pay 0 into X for most effect.
It's not as funny that way.Could remove the kicker and do "If X is 3 or more, return all instead"