This one isn't mine, but I'm not sure who's it is. Amazing card, SO many lines, even when it's not copying
Gaea's Cradle or
Maze of Ith. I have attacked with this as a
Raging Ravine, Triggered morbid with a
Misty Rainforest, and doubled up on
Hall of Oracles counters.

Honorable mention because I haven't done this, but I can see it being an interesting idea. You should probably have some system in place for breaking ties if two people want a specific land, either by having enough copies for everyone (Technically possible) or having a tiebreaker order on the Tickets themselves (Eg this one says "Pick #7" in the flavor text, whoever has the higher pick # gets first pick, something like that)
This idea says "Fixing land" specifically, under the idea that cards like
Treetop Village would be in the main cube as draft picks of their own, but I could easily be convinced that drafting any green land might be more interesting.
Hell, if you want a more uniform number of nonbasics for each drafter (nobody gets 12, but nobody gets zero), you can just hand some number of these to each player randomly, scrap the color requirements, and do a short rotisserie draft of just nonbasics.

I get that green
should have to rely on its creatures to remove threats, but this exists in conflict with that removal being even remotely playable.
You're also straight soft to something like
Visara the Dreadful (Extreme example I know) who can just counter any fight spell on a whim, plus any other shenanigans your opponent might have going on.
Much like drawing cards and smoothing draws, I think removing creatures is something too fundamental to magic to keep away from certain colors, and that each color should be able to do it in their own flavorful way.

You ever get so tired you make a card about making cards?

Of course this card plays well, it's a baseline fine red spell with cryptic command levels of text and options stapled on at no cost, and yet: it feels fine. Plus
mugging is an amazing mode to have in your back pocket not possible on any other card.

I really love extort, and I remain frustrated that so little was done with it, especially on noncreature permanents.
This card is a flavor slam dunk that is basically
hero's downfall but different. Hell it might be fine at

It also can occasionally do hilarious things, like stealing your opponent's
Sublime Archangel

This remains to this day one of my favorite potential mechanics that I find is SO hard to use.
It is a lot of text, so you do have to be careful what each card does. This is practically
call of the herd and it's 6 lines of text.
There's good room to put this on creatures with prowess, or just splitting up the cost on
ETB creatures (though they'll need to cost more to offset the flexibility).
Not to mention I'm a picky bastard and want both arts to line up like they do here!
There's so much space there but I just haven't actually filled any of it really.