General Custom Cards: The Lab

That would be the first ever GR card with prowess.

I'd make it something mana value and +1/+1 counter related to fit RG.


Ecstatic Orb
That would be the first ever GR card with prowess.
Is that really a problem though? Maraleaf Pixie is in my cube, and I'm pretty sure it didn't inherit flying from its green side :) For me the mix of abilities makes it feels like a gold RG card, rather than a hybrid RG card. That's not to say your idea wouldn't work, but it would require more text, making the design a bit more complicated for little gain in my specific use case, since I have no +1/+1 counter theme going on in RG. "Whenever you cast a spell with mana value 6 or more, put a +1/+1 counter on Adamant Spiketail." would totally work though!
Reusing art here for proofs of concept :)

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If you want the second card to be more open ended/powerful you could also word it "Treasures/ (artifact) tokens you control become...". Would definitely make me more excited to draft it/play with it!

Otherwise the effect might feel a bit weak as a 3/1 for 3 mana that you have to sac at eot and maybe you get a treasure. I might underestimate the card though.


Ecstatic Orb
If you want the second card to be more open ended/powerful you could also word it "Treasures/ (artifact) tokens you control become...". Would definitely make me more excited to draft it/play with it!

Otherwise the effect might feel a bit weak as a 3/1 for 3 mana that you have to sac at eot and maybe you get a treasure. I might underestimate the card though.
That… is a cool suggestion! Dangerous though, since you could end up with a lot of attacking power out of nowhere for only R. Maybe up to two times X artifact tokens become 3/1 haste, or you make them 2/1 instead? The first is more wordy, the second is weaker as a standalone card…
That… is a cool suggestion! Dangerous though, since you could end up with a lot of attacking power out of nowhere for only R. Maybe up to two times X artifact tokens become 3/1 haste, or you make them 2/1 instead? The first is more wordy, the second is weaker as a standalone card…
I like the up to 2*X idea! Depends a lot on your environment but now that I think about your other custom: that would be 3 artifacts turn 2 and swinging for 12 damage the turn after, without safety valves. That's quite a bit.


Ecstatic Orb
I think the previous version was much more elegant and cooler.
Definitely less wordy, but for me the new version is much cooler. Obviously that's subjective :) However, it also objectively is a better fit for my current cube. It has a mv of 6, which is relevant for the other custom I just made, it fits better in ramp because it goes up to 6 mana, and it is way more subtle about the token support. The previous version explicitly only works with clues, food, and treasures, and I don't currently run enough of those to adequately support the card. I was contemplating on upping the count, but this new design is a lot more token-agnostic and thus slots into the existing themes much better.

As an aside, I can't properly test the card in Forge because it won't let you lock in the full colorless cost before paying mana, so as soon as you hit {G}, {U}, or {R} it pays for the colored pip. The most you can get this way is a 5/5, by paying, for example, {G}{G}{G}{U}{R} :rolleyes:

Should this be a Shapeshifter, instead of a Human Wizard?
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Yuk the new version is an abomination compared to the first version.

The first version was reading interesting and familiar and fun. A very clean and clever design. This version will maybe not be read by some people at the drafting table because it’s too wordy.

Also it’s just another card. There are no similarities so it might as well not be Ella. What was going through your head when you decided to change everything about the card including what type of card it is and how aggressive it is but still kept the art and name? I mean please look at the art and tell me that’s a 6/6 flying haste demon of overpowered aggressiveness. That lady.

I am almost lost for words. Where is Onde and what have you done with them?


Ecstatic Orb
Yuk the new version is an abomination compared to the first version.

The first version was reading interesting and familiar and fun. A very clean and clever design. This version will maybe not be read by some people at the drafting table because it’s too wordy.

Also it’s just another card. There are no similarities so it might as well not be Ella. What was going through your head when you decided to change everything about the card including what type of card it is and how aggressive it is but still kept the art and name? I mean please look at the art and tell me that’s a 6/6 flying haste demon of overpowered aggressiveness. That lady.

I am almost lost for words. Where is Onde and what have you done with them?
There are all placeholder artworks, names, and creature types. I currently am out of credit on my Midjourney account, so creating appropriate art will have to wait for a few days. If flavor is all you are lost for words over, you need not fear. Though, still, don't you think you are being a bit... dramatic? Anyway, I will explain my train of thought.

I didn't think the first version was particularly clever, as it was simply Academy Manufactor with +1/+1 and a connected channel ability. The problem with that design, in regards to my cube, is that it isn't really supported in Temur. There simply isn't a high enough density of effects to reallly push this design over the edge, though to be fair, there are a handful of cards that can trigger this multiple times. Still, it wasn't an ideal fit for my cube, so I went looking for something more fitting!

While there aren't enough clues, food, and treasures in Temur colors to warrant an Academy Manufactor clone, there are plenty of tokens to be found, so token synergy is something I can appreciate. I already run Esika's Chariot, and I was thinking of expanding on that theme slightly with something like Chitterspitter and/or Combine Chrysalis. Another theme is ramp, meaning Temur likes to cast big spells. I recently created a dinosaur custom that cared for mana value 6+ cards, and also added Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty. This new mana cost makes for a card that can be cast for cheap, but also triggers those two cards, because its mana value is actually 6, and work well with the ramp package. Now, I could make give the new "Ella" a static power and toughness, but isn't it more exciting for the ramp deck if you could build a bigger "Ella" by spending more mana on it?

How would you feel about the design if it had an appropriate name, creature type, and artwork? How would you feel about the play pattern if the power and toughness were static (meaning you don't get rewarded for ramping, but the textbox is shorter)? And also, is this design really too wordy? Honest question, because while I realize that it uses a lot of words, I don't think the card is particularly hard to understand, provided you know what clue tokens, food tokens, and treasure tokens do (and my players do). For example, it has just as many lines as Lassoed by the Law, only one more than Hollow Marauder, the same amount as Great Train Heist or Assimilation Aegis. In other words, I consider 9 lines to be about the maximum you can put on a card, and this is right at that edge, but not over it in my opinion. I'm curious to hear your opinion.
Well if you chance everything so that they go together with the new abilities then the card is fine I guess. That is art, name, creature type.

However I do not like the design. Or even your process. You had an idea. But then your idea (even though you got positive feedback) didn’t turn out to actually fit into your cube because of some restraints like colors, themes etc. So you had to cut it. That’s what I would do. Not change the card to force it to fit.

If you pretend like this is a brand new card then maybe the card is fine. Just not for me any longer. You were however pretending the cards was a new version of the same card.


Ecstatic Orb
Reusing art here for proofs of concept :)
View attachment 9701
If you want the second card to be more open ended/powerful you could also word it "Treasures/ (artifact) tokens you control become...". Would definitely make me more excited to draft it/play with it!

Otherwise the effect might feel a bit weak as a 3/1 for 3 mana that you have to sac at eot and maybe you get a treasure. I might underestimate the card though.
I’ve been thinking a bit, and I think the fix is simply to create X+1 tokens. I’m not quite sure whether they should be 2/1’s or 3/1’s, and whether they should get trample as well. A Spark Elemental that leaves behind a Treasure token if it doesn’t get blocked seems very fair, but how about two of those for {2}{R}, or three for {4}{R}? Is that still fair? Seems like a bit much.