Many of us have some cards that we wish would be reprinted in a certain way. Here's one of mine that I modified and ordered up as a custom. This one is only available as either a brown border or a foil with new art, and I prefer to avoid all of those things. I took the Vintage Master's version from MTGO and swapped in the original artwork and artist credit. The text looks a little thin, but it works.
I got this Spawn token off Magic Online. Unfortunately a few people had to endure some brief pointless games to let me get a Spawn token into play, but then I got a screenshot and modified it as needed. I life the Spawn title from Eldrazi Spawn, because the online version's title doesn't look like a real magic card. I also used AI to scale up the resolution, because it looked pixelated and fuzzy. The end result looks quite nice on the printed card.
Both of these images are lower resolution than what I used in the card order. I don't know that anybody would want this Smokestack, but I could see somebody wanting that Spawn token. Let me know if you want me to get you that.
As a bonus, I also ordered up a few other Vintage Master's cards to get the 2015 card frame. No modifications required for these. Each of those came out well, too. Arrogant Wurm ends up with different art, though - apparently John Avon originally had a branch going in front of the wurm, and they restored that in the newer versions.

Edit: I didn't think of looking at Tempest Remastered. I should have done that... I would have ordered up a Goblin Bombardment with original art and 2015 frame. Oops! There are some other goodies in that set for 2015 frame, including Cataclysm, Dream Halls, and Survival of the Fittest. I don't know if I'd want to run any of those, but it's cool to have a way to get the 2015 frame without creating my own customs.