General Custom Cards: The Lab

You can find the red dot under "Transform" -> "Color Identity Pips" and in the text portion you need to add "{right100}" before the types to remove overlap with the pip.

If you intend to add the color identity pips, we recommend that you shift your Type text to the right with "{right66}".

From CC. Vel, my type font is "{right66}Enchantment Creature — Goblin Shaman"
You can also use {-} to get a long dash if you don't copy-paste or import a card.


This one is wrong because the back frame is above the Nyx frame:

The Nyx "frame, frame" is found here:

You just want to take the component from the menu on the right.

It's worth noting that the card will look wrong if viewed under the Nyx frame, due to the frame having default black text:

If we slide that Nyx frame up in the ordering:

and switch to Transform Back as our card type:

Then it'll be all good.

You can kinda do whatever you want if you pick and choose frame pieces:

Messed with title, type, rules boxes.


Messed with pinline.


Just made this and messed with a bunch.
Edit: You can see the complete red Nyx frame sitting between the Color Identity Pip Base and the Open Fan. That should only show the frame outline.
You can put it anywhere above the Back Red Frame. It only overlaps the edge of the card, so it won't interfere with anything other than that.


Ecstatic Orb
I found it helped me to think of Card Conjurer as a 3D layered art builder.

Here’s a YouTube link for reference.

What you are doing in Card Conjurer is basically the same. You pick and choose multiple frame parts and layer them on top of each other, and in the end result you see everything that is not covered up by a layer above.

That’s why you didn’t see the Transform Back frame anymore, because you added the complete Nyx frame and put it on top of the base Tranform Back frame, thereby covering it completely. That’s why Brad says it doesn’t really matter in which order you put the color pip, the Nyx frame “Frame” part, and the Opened Fan indicator, because they are not overlapping, so regardless of the order in which you put these elements, respective to each other, they will be visible. (Obviously they will not be visible if you order them below the base Transform Back frame, because that one, as a full frame, does overlap with all elements.)