i think
@safra determined that the best settings are 100% view, 200% export, 200% internal?
So, more on this. We can use this modded 2.4.0 copy, essentially, to work with larger jpg's and png's
inside the program - previous versions of MSE2 not at the link above are also able to do some of this stuff, but the github user above has significantly tweaked the program and you need to update to modded 2.4.0. (clean install in a new place, don't you dare try to combine your files. huge mess.)
With your set open, use the menu bar to open
Edit -> Preferences. Go to the tab labeled
Display. Make sure "High quality rendering" is checked and that "Export" is set to
of normal size. I actually use 150% zoom, but whatever number keeps the entire card on screen in your editing pane is good. 125, 150, 175, but probably 200% zoom cuts off the artist credit in your editing pane and it's a real chore to undo, edit artist, redo. So: 150% zoom, 200% export.
Then, the
Internal tab. Set Internal Scale to
% of normal size. This is cardframe agnostic, btw, so if you have an HD frame lying around somehow it will
also get exported at 200% size, giving you an image that's way too big to work with.
If you've done it right, you basically upgrade MSE from exporting 375 by 523px cards with 320 by 235px images, to a 750x1046px card with a 640x460px image. That's almost four times as many (X 3.91) pixels for art, and I'm happy with the increased render size for higher-DPI printing. It's still not a counterfeiting tool and WotC's lawyers shouldn't perceive it to be one because there aren't accompanying HD card frames, there's no attempt to pass off your own cards as Hasbro's copyrighted product, it's just slightly higher image resolution for Cube curators.