Chris Taylor

Does this count?
My favorite card long that line is deffinitly Brudiclad
Swinging with a bunch of Clues turned Karnstructs is super cool powerful and satisfying
Or had on-color synergy with other stuff.
Note that if Saheeli changes a token into a copy of something else, Brudiclad can turn every token into a copy of the copy, so go ham!![]()
Chris and Onde
You have peaked my interest. I’ll buy a copy (pun intended) of Brudiclad but I will change its cost to 3UR.
Also now I need a Quasiduplicate.
It's honestly pretty strong at 6. You get a 2/1 at beginning of combat with no other synergies, and that's a hell of a repeatable effect, even if it's vulnerable.
I've cut garruk variants for less
Well it might be pretty strong at six but correct me if I am wrong here: It has never been used in any format, right? This obviously excludes Riptide cubes where we actively try to lower the power level of our cubes.
And when you mention Garruk; there’s a 5 mana Garruk that makes repeatable 3/3s.
gimme yr favourite lil guys with Reach. thanks!
Okay I'm not wholly happy here since all 3 things this card does are green, but:
View attachment 2766
Gameplay wise I like it but this card isn't blue in the slightest.
Maybe it should just have flying?
I don't want it to call to mind, since a lot of the self mill deck is specifically creatures
Maybe it mills you and then you choose? That'd be blue.
I dunno yet.
Also yes swamp waifu. Artists are weird
Design challenge
Madness enchantment
Design a mono-red 3 mana enchantment in the same family as these two:
Red already has Lightning Rift but it doesn’t trigger from discard in general and it doesn’t cost 3 mana. White has Astral Drift which I might change from cycling-only to any kind of discard. Green is not a madness color for me.
Your job is to design the red 3 mana enchantment.
2R enchantment
Whenever you cycle or discard a card, add![]()
Obviously it's insane with a wheel but I love the idea of just getting to 1-mana Tormenting Voice or go off in aggro/madness type decks.Whelp, I guess I'm running custom cards now.
Obviously it's insane with a wheel but I love the idea of just getting to 1-mana Tormenting Voice or go off in aggro/madness type decks.
T1 guy
T2 battle dumpling
T3 enchantment
T3 Seasoned Pyromancer add RR Bloodrage Brawler add R Bomat Courier
Hell, just...Bomat Courier.....