General Decks that have 3-0'd your cube

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
As a huge proponent of letting people take back obvious level-0 punts, a lax timing policy that forbids use of the word 'trigger' outside the context of Lebowski quotes, etc. I am heartened to read that the Wadds cube has a similar "take back that dumb turn" policy. What are everyone else's thoughts on this?

I let people take back lots of stuff. I'd rather have a proper intelligent game than win or lose because somebody forgot a trigger or misread a card or missed a random attack or something. I have to resist this urge in PTQs.
This BU monstrosity was completely absurd, I don't think picks have ever been quite so stacked. The three first picks were: JTMS, Sol Ring, Mind Twist, respectively. It did foster some interesting thoughts about the power level of some of those cards, though :)

Totally fair

This BU monstrosity was completely absurd, I don't think picks have ever been quite so stacked. The three first picks were: JTMS, Sol Ring, Mind Twist, respectively. It did foster some interesting thoughts about the power level of some of those cards, though :)

Hahhaha my favourite powered cube deck was this but - the opposition + tinker. Also my acceleration was a little less busted. UB is something I have so much trouble staying away from.


Hehe, yeah. I was actually short on playables, so Frantic Search, Recurring Nightmare, and Opposition came in last. I figured with Meloku and Bitterblossom there was at least a chance that it would do some work :)

I would play it like wtf. Cube cards that do nothing too often but are overpowering sometimes annoy me immensely but like not playing Opposition with those guys is goofy. What a card!

Chris Taylor

I would play it like wtf. Cube cards that do nothing too often but are overpowering sometimes annoy me immensely but like not playing Opposition with those guys is goofy. What a card!

I feel that you might be preaching to the wrong guy, the deck does have sol ring and mind twist :p
And it's horrible without those two cards (and maybe myr battlesphere)

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Article idea: Grim Monolith Cube decks often suffer from the poison principle

Maybe somebody else take up this torch?

It's an interesting concept though, my writing was most well-received when I was inflammatory and railing against traditional cube design. I don't really feel like beating that same drum week after week, but I know that I'm dealing with a more niche audience now. There are only so many ways you can say "bad design principles are bad".

Chris Taylor

Maybe somebody else take up this torch?

It's an interesting concept though, my writing was most well-received when I was inflammatory and railing against traditional cube design. I don't really feel like beating that same drum week after week, but I know that I'm dealing with a more niche audience now. There are only so many ways you can say "bad design principles are bad".

You know, now that I think about it, most cube articles do really focus on "here's a design principle, lets talk about how to build a cube where you aren't ignoring it", even if the "design principle" is something vastly simplified like "Black aggro sucks"

Maybe we need more of that?


Eh, common problem. Much harder for anyone to write about one's own good ideas rather than another's bad ideas (this also makes your current articles easier to criticize for the peanut gallery et al)


It's pretty non-broken most games. I had it out for a long time, but I've been flirting with bringing in spicy effects from time to time. So far it's been a hit.

awesome. me too. i will try it

(obviously) it's a spectacularly broken card but i was never really inclined to add gush anyway