Sets [EMN] Eldritch Moon Spoilers Thread

I'm pretty underwhelmed by the new Tamiyo

I'd rather Cube with Sarkhan Unbroken tbh

But why? His ultimate is virtually useless. His - ability can be found in cooler ways (ie Dragonmaster Outcast). His + ability is.. Draw a card, ramp from 5->7 on T6? I dunno, I have no real love for Hippie Sarkhan. He feels explicitly midrange goodstuff. Tamiyo is a bunch of strong creature-control style tools, with a super exciting ult. I can't help but feel like I would pick her and warp my deck around her, whereas Sarkhan falls easily to 3-5c goodstuff and doesn't really do anything very spicy.

Well, this is.. something. A nice 3 mana Lily, based almost enitrely around creature interaction, with some other fringe stuff coming from her -2. Seems good in a grindy sort of advantage engine context, which obviously piques my interest :p
I think new Lilli is amazing. Cheap, protects herself, draws cards and fills your graveyard. Very excited.

Also excited about the new spirit that's just been spoiled:

Selfless Soul W1 - Rare
Creature - Spirit (Cleric?)
Sacrifice ~ : Creatures you control gain indestructible until end of turn

Amazing new pegasus beats!
New Lili is okay if your cube is graveyard-oriented, but she falls in a kind of uncharted, aggro-ish place, in my perspective. Her +1 defends herself, that's true, but I think it's best for busting open defensive lines; this plays well with the -2, which helps keeps creatures stocked in your hand as you tear through the opponent's defenses with suicidal swings, with the caveat of playing significantly worse in spells-y control decks (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). Her ultimate is really pushing the "fair" side of the spectrum, taking 4 turns to start belching zombies all over the board; completely acceptable, but not exactly something to write home about, acting as a sort of Assemble the Legion effect, except way more "surely-this-will-grind-me-to-victory-right?" due to the emblem status.

Overall, I find it a little odd that we now have 3 3-mana Lilianas, though I guess I appreciate them pushing Planeswalkers more freely around the curve and exploring lower-powered abilities to compensate. That said, while I dig Miss Lil's look here and the overall theme she's offering, I'm not sure if I actually like her more than Liliana of the Veil, or even Liliana, Heretical Healer. I've excused Liliana, Heretical Healer because she's a creature some portion of the time, and if I cut one of them, it'd most likely be her; considering this, I think it seems kinda strange to consider running 2 straight-up {1}{B}{B} planeswalkers.

quick aside: Selfless Soul looks neat, though perhaps a little ruder than I want for my creature decks. I'm not sure I wanna break wrath symmetry like that in white, though I'm certainly tempted.

More importantly:

I think new Lili is equally at home in GY agro, for all the reasons RBM says, and in creature control (GB, RB?) where the plus really does become damage control, and the minus becomes important advantage for recurring control pieces like nekrataal and fleshbag marauder and yavimaya elder

I think she has a ton of play, and definitely will be trying her out

For new best friends 2K16

Chris Taylor

Finally! A decent sorcery speed Lightning Strike!


I don't care that this is Incinerate at sorcery speed, it's a start! I don't want all my red burn to be instant speed, give me more!

I love the flavor text btw :)

god damn I'm so happy. I usually get excited when wotc prints cards I've already made up, but it's been a while since I've seen one I should have made up a long time ago


Ecstatic Orb
god damn I'm so happy. I usually get excited when wotc prints cards I've already made up, but it's been a while since I've seen one I should have made up a long time ago

Oh jeez, it's much better than Incinerate! I am officially happy :)

For the record, there's currently an {1}{R} sorcery that deals 4 damage to creatures only with the exile clause in my cube, so I got pretty close :)

Chris Taylor

Oh jeez, it's much better than Incinerate! I am officially happy :)

For the record, there's currently an {1}{R} sorcery that deals 4 damage to creatures only with the exile clause in my cube, so I got pretty close :)

There is in mine too, but it always kinda felt out of place. The exile clause was important enough and the 4 damage was important enough that it felt like a lot of key aspects that red needed all on the same spell, even though the card itself isn't really broken.
Holy shit, I'm cubing that for the flavor text alone. Now, do I replace Incinerate or Pillar of Flame?
I actually like magma spray a whole lot, so prob incinerate.