I've been thinking a bit about the other colours and decided to reinforce what I already have with some swaps, cuts and other minor changes.

I'm going back to Baral. Ultimately, the extra synergies provided by the Stormcaller were minor compared to the drawback of not being a real two-drop. Baral's body is also relevant as a blocker and it covers a wide range of spells rather than the narrow "draft more cantrips" lean of Stormcaller. I already have too many cards that reward you for drafting 1 mana spells, don't need more.
Trinket Mage is a versatile card that works with blink, artifacts, Harmonic Prodigy and other archetypes. I'm running it because I feel the need for one more artifact support card and because it may work with Urza's Saga which I'll discuss below. It can fetch Bonesplitter as a bad Stoneforge Mystic so that's good, too.
Sower of Temptation is very strong. However, I don't run any other control Magic effects, it's easy to interact with and it has a bunch of synergies with blink, Birthing Pod and others. It's also a card both Tempo and Control are interested in so I want to give it a chance.


Some changes for wider appeal.
I like both this card and Rise from the Tide as spell payoffs. TMC seems to have more play to it so it's in.
This leaves me at 48. Some cards I'm consdering are:
Would love to hear your thoughts.
As for black:


These are small changes that add more zombies to the cube for Gravecrawler.

I'm thinking of removing all flip walkers from my cube. They are difficult for newbies to read and choose to ignore them instead of picking them highly. Flesh Carver is both a sacrifice outlet in black and a wizard for Harmonic Prodigy. It's also a human and kind of dumb.
This leaves me with one extra slot. However, there are some cards I may cut:
I also wonder if this is a huge downgrade. Perhaps I should just give up on Harmonic Prodigy:

Some possible additions:
I've also been thinking about running Urza's Saga. However, the fact that it puts the card into play and that it doesn't slot into aggressive archetypes limits its usefulness. At a glance, I run 10 good targets which is a bit too few. Some cards I could run to support it (The blank card is Portable Hole).
Talking about artifacts, this is a good swap:

Love the historic aspect of Metalworker but it rarely works. I've also found my drafters put it in the wrong decks so it's a good cut on practical terms. That said, I wonder if I should cut this:
This was downright oppressive last time we drafted. It hit the board very quickly and just started killing a creature every turn. My opponents did not have much fun facing it.
Lastly, I need one more piece of equipment but I have no idea of which one to run.
That's all for now. Improving red and green will be very difficult, so I hope to have the rest of the cube in order first.