I've been very busy so I haven't been able to work much on the cube. Also, I'm having a hard time feeling out the slots. The issue is that, while there are good cards for the archetypes I want, there re few of them that cover several of them.
This is what I have so far:
MV 1

MV 2

MV 3
MV 4
MV 5+
This adds up to 33 cards out of 50. All these cards are great picks which cover a lot of ground in several archetypes. To this I can add packages of cards that are nice to have but that don't build to something larger:
Lands Package (3 cards)
Lotus is a fun 2-drop ramper, the Advocate should make decks based on recurring manlands more playable, Courser is a themed control tool.
Flash package (3 cards)
Ambush Viper should come in even if I don't use the rest of the package. Wolfier is also a good stompy card on its own right. Sadly, it doesn't seem there is a version with reminder text on Regenerate. I don't think my group will remember that using it taps the creature.
From here things get tougher. First, I don't know how to calculate how much ramp I need to support the archetypes I want. I currently run 3 spells in that category, but I could run less or replace them for their creature equivalents. Some generic cards I like are:
However, I haven't decided they are the cards I need. They are just "good cards" at this point, not necessarily the best ones for the slot. I do like the first two and I think Trainmaster is spot on on their usefulness for the cube.
Some random stuff I've been thinking about:
Busted in half. However, it does support both lands and the graveyard. Right now I only have Satyr Wayfinder as a way to fill the graveyard in green. I'm also not sure if my drafters will realize it's brutal.
I might be able to extend my theme of humans into green. Notably, the Mayor is also a good flash card. However, transform is a pain and I might cut all the double-sided cards from my cube. So far only two remain and they are expendable.
Sylvan ties into lands and I could push for aggro lands. However, it can also create very uninteractive games.
This ties into graveyard themes, lands and is good in Rock decks. But it feels like a waste of a 3cc slot to have a creature like this taking space. I also wonder if it's strictly better than
Yavimaya Druid.
I like the card, but I don't know how it would tie into my cube. The 2 toughness is awful in my cube, it trades with every little thing.
I love Spike Feeder even though it's outdated and not using the stack harms the card.
This looks too underpowered for my cube. Or simply too expensive on the back.
I just like this card. It would require massive changes in my cube to be useful and I have absolutely no idea on how to make it work beyond massively abusing dredge and other draw triggers but I like it.
Looking at your list, I am kind of seeing a RG madness deck that is already supported.
The issue is that there aren't green payoffs. Red works and ties into black and blue very well, but green isn't helping much. That said, I've been thinking about the cards you've posted. I think Galia would be terrible in my cube but the other two are on my mind.