What's worse than having to work? Having to work for free. Woo, interships! Forunately, I could take some cube notes on the train back home.
Like I mentioned, I've decided to run 4 guild cards and see how things work out. One of the reasons is that 3 felt a bit short. With 4 cards I can give the pairing two "control" cards and two "aggro" ones. Which is not at all a strict definition.
Here's what I'm sure about so far:
These are all fun, versatile cards. I don't know why it took me so long to consider Kird Ape. What really made me think about it is reading that someone was trying to keep the cost of guild cards down. And it made me think, because it's true that guild cards are on the expensive side so keeping costs down seems a good idea.
I'm not sure Hydroid Krasis is the right card, but at 6 mana it's a 4/4 flyer that draws two cards. It doesn't seem bad. I might run something else in its place if it doesn't work well.
I decided to run Migratory Route instead of Reflector Mage. Reflector is nice and he's a blink target but I would rather run Venser and Man O'War in blue. It's also a spell and hence more likely to be playable in UW.
I've been thinking how I could extend WB to control. All the hatebear archetypes work wonderfully but control just doesn't come together. Angel of Despair can be reanimated and is a very good control finisher on its own, but it's a small piece in the overall scheme of things. Then I thought. What if I give WB a wrath effect? Nobody is going to hate-draft WB so it might work. I just fear the mana cost is too silly to work.

Selesnya should support both wide-creatures and lands. I think this is a good set. A part of me wants to run Renegade Railer instead of Voice of Resurgence, but I can see the latter being much better with Pod and other similar arcehtypes.
What I'm not sure about:

I think I'm going to run Figure of Destiny as a gold card. This is not really true, but it's what Boros wants and it's not like their gold section is great. The card I'm less sure about is Rally the Peasants. Boros Reckoner is also a card I'm sure I'm underevaluating but which I'm not sure about. I would run it in WR control decks, though.
Let's be honest, I think this is just Electrolyze and friends. Which isn't bad, but I'm going to see if I can improve on.
I want to run UB Artifacts. This means Baleful Strix and, for most, it also means Tezzeret. But I don't run planeswalkers and there are not many other cards that could fill the slot. Sphinx Summoner looks way too expensive for what it is so I'm not sold. I'm tempted to run a lesser Tezzeret in its place and run a couple planeswalkers but I just dislike the effect they have in the game, regardless of power level.
The other side of UB is discard/reanimator/graveyard. Psychatog is an obvious inclusion, but I'm not sure about the other slot.I'm currently running nephalia Drownyard, which is a lot of fun, but I think it's best as a win condition not as a self-mill tool.
I'm currently running some good cards, but they are hazapardly put together. Judith is a must. She's fun, versatile and covers all aggressive bases. However, I'm not so sure about the other cards. I think I need to research and see if Bloodhall Priest should bring friends or leave.
Golgari is one of the deepest guilds, which means I have the same problem as with Rakdos: I run good cards, but without any clear goal in mind. There's plenty to the guild to choose from and I should look into it beyond "Pernicious Deed, an effect I want in my cube or not?". Hoogak has been great. It's a very cool design, a shame it's busted in constructed.
Running more guild cards makes my three-color section less pleasant. I'm going to keep only a handful of them. It's not like you need to run a full set, either way. So far there are two, perhaps three I like:
And, let's be honest, it's Cruel or boost. What a cool card.