Ok so I perused the list a bit more thoroughly. It's really remarkable how similar in makeup your cube is to mine. I guess you weren't kiddin' when you said you've taken inspiration from my cube!
Firstly, what I'm noticing from the analysis section of the cube... our cubes really build around 2/2 creatures. Here's the power and toughness charts from your cube (mine is almost indistinguishable).
That implies that the critical toughness in the cube is
3. At toughness three a creature will be above a substantial fraction of other creatures. There are a couple other angles for playing into that critical toughness too.
In the same vein, I would put the critical power at
4. At power 4, a creature can force a double block where both of the opponents creatures die in the resulting trade.
That said, there are a lot of 1/1 tokens in your cube (and mine to some extent). That lessens the value of 3 toughness to a degree (and very much lessens the value of 1 toughness).
So I would put the most important creature stats for pushing through past a cluttered board as 4/3 and 4/4 (and up of course).
Additionally, 1 toughness is really restrictive, especially for attacking. supplanting some of the 1 toughness creatures, especially low CMC aggro creatures with 2 toughness would do two things: 1) make survivability against tokens much higher. As-is, many X/1's can barely bother attacking because they'll just get blown up by a random dork. 2) Add to the value of the above critical P/T calculation (by increasing that 2 toughness bar even higher. A couple good examples of this:

Some examples of cards that struggle here:

Another distinctly powerful P/T combo is 1/X (X greater than 1). A 1/3 is very daunting for 1/1 tokens to face off against because there will be quite a bit of attrition when attacking into that sort of creature. A few more +1/+1 and +1/+0 effects can help with this dilemma.
A card effect that can help black fight the X/2 paradigm:
Here are some cards that I see as hindering the situation or seeming a little out of place:
glare of subdual This card typically doesn't make things go faster for anybody. All around annoying IMO
prophetic prism Is this pulling it's weight? It seems a little out of place next to some of the artifacts and general power level of the cube
xathrid necromancer Is there a humans deck? I see a couple other cards relating to humans. Sits on the board at the non-standout P/T of 2/2 as discussed above, and fills the board with even more of the same. Doesn't really seem to push towards a victory, rather helping keep the board clogged with that magical 2/2.
paradise druid This card seems to me to fit poorly in at least two ways. Adds to the very high ramp count in green while being poorly P/T'ed at 2/1.
stinkweed imp do your graveyard decks really look for this sort of dredger? annoying, relatively weak body that nonetheless is great at blocking tokens.
kitchen finks I don't see any combo with this, unless I'm missing it. A very annoying card to push past. Definitely helps a stalled boardstate.
sram's expertise or
secure the wastes both seem to me like token generators above and beyond what is really needed, and they do it in a relatively boring/boardclogging manner. Sram's is the more interesting of the two I suppose do to the free cast.
Elves of deep shadow just selecting what seems to me to be the weakest of this bunch. A lot of green ramp in this cube. A lot.
moment's peace does this actually provide tangible benefit to any deck's running it? or mostly just ends up stalling out a game a couple turns longer?
One hole in effects I'm seeing is
creature buffing in red, or at least
for red. You have a suite of affects generating 1/1's in red like
young pyromancer,
seasoned pyromancer,
saheeli, sublime artificer, and
hordeling outburst. Mostly part of a UR spell-token sorta deck. They could really use some in-color ways to boost their attacks.
For example (not necessarily good enough, but a nice example)
Another battlecry example that is good egainst tokens (but would struggle against 2/2s) is
Of course there's always the classic effects: