I’m hopefully going to draft at the end of August, so this is a pretty big motivation to think about cube!
Green cheat package

Cheating fatties is a Grixis thing right now, but I think that there is now a Green package for my cube to diversify the archetype.
I talked about this very same thing a few pages back and how I didn’t like the mana costs or conditions but the new
Monster Manual has sold me.
At 4 mana it sits right there with
Sneak Attack (SA) so let’s compare a few scenarios:
1. You cast it with 4 mana then you need to untap with it. Roughly on par with SA.
2. You cast it and activate it on the same turn. Obviously worse than SA since you need 6 mana instead of 5, but the creature sticks around and you can do it EOT for a bit of a surprise factor.
3. Late game top deck. Here you can use the Adventure part of the Manual for extra gas, whereas SA would be dead.
It’s close enough to have me interested and want to try it out.
The other card is a notorious build-around:
Oath of Druids. Here is my take on it today:
+ Extremely cheap mana value.
+ any type of reanimation target.
+ unique GY enabler that can spawn sone really funky decks.
- train wreck drafts are very real when building around it.
- works on a different axis than most decks (meaning a smaller pool of cards to draft from).
- probably useless if seen late in the draft.
Now that there are 2 cheat cards that can work with the GY in a good spot on the curve, I want to try it!
More stars
As we get more and more “sacrifice a permanent” type cards, the stock on
Chromatic Star increases. It’s very similar to other artifact cantrips like it, except not really.
1. You get the draw immediately unlike
Mishra’s Bauble.
2. You get the card when it hits the GY too, unlike
Chromatic Sphere.
Because of those 2 reasons, the Star plays way better than the alternatives. So much so that it makes including this 1 mana do nothing a lot more appealing for drafters. You lose out a little with
Monastery Mentor and and such since you can't cast it + 0 mana artifact on turn 3, but the overall gain is worth it since
Goblin Welder,
Baba Lysaga, Night Witch,
God-Eternal Bontu and more use the star to maximum effect.


(Total of 4
Chromatic Stars)
Payoff reevaluation
I was reading this thread again to see what I've tried and what lessons I've learned, and I came across a post about payoffs from japahn:
My goal is that a drafter can pick up generally good cards and if they see a payoff that entices them, then they can move into the archetype. For that to happen though, your payoffs need to be worth it!
At first glance, this does what I want for my artifact decks, but the mana value limitation is a real setback, letting it really shine only in a UR or BR grindy artifact deck.
Would I play this in an artifact cheat deck with Welder and Daretti? Of course, but that is already a subset of the artifact deck and both Welder and Daretti do the job better because they have no restrictions.
Would I draft this and move into the artifact deck? Not really. Once again the restriction is a huge strike against the Engineer.
Is this a stupid cut when adding 2 more
Chromatic Stars? Probably
Instead, I am adding an aggro 2 drop to help the archetype that needs the most help.
It has played well for me in the past in all sorts of contexts including another MP cube a friend has.
Other changes

I currently don't have room for both of these and I think the simplicity and uniqueness of the Blades is worth it more than what the Helm offers.

Elspeth is outclassed in my MP format. Making a single token before getting taken out is unacceptable. The evasion is valuable, but since I am adding the Broodmoth, I don't feel like I lose that much.
I still hate the flying counters, but the Myriad creatures I added a few posts back have given a new life to my WB sacrifice decks and the Broodmoth will be bonkers there. It's also just solid wrath protection.
Now, I am going to take a good look at my other payoffs and see if they too weak or narrow for my design goals!