Artifacts matter: (part 1)

For whatever reason, artifact decks are among my favorite (cube or otherwise) so I wanted them to be supported in my cube.
One of the well documented issues with artifacts is that most payoffs want you to cast or find artifacts, but most of the "better" cards aren't artifacts themselves. For this reason, I've chosen to add a lot of Baubles in my artifact section to help enable those decks as well as provide cantrips to colors that don't naturally have access to them like White and to a lesser degree Green and Black. This is very similar to the density of cantrips used for the various spells matter decks. They might look like wasted slots or unexciting draft picks, but they allow the cards to actually be a functioning deck rather than a pile of cards.
So here are the artifact decks I support
Go wide
Go Wide

The goal here is to spit out as many artifacts as possible to maximize your payoffs which are:

The nice thing is that almost all of these are essentially colorless, meaning you can go wild in the decks that include them. I'll highlight a few cards that can encourage you to pick a color.
White: As a solid token color, it's no surprise that White plays well in this archetype. As mentioned before, these baubles can also tie into the prowess themes allowing some spicy hybrid.

Blue: As stated before, I've chosen to include token makers that produce artifacts in Blue. The color lacks proper token payoffs, so in a sense these growing constructs act as a reward for going wide. That or splashing another color better equipped to support tokens.

Red: The tokens payoffs in Red don't really mesh well with what the deck is trying to do, so it acts more as a support color. With treasures and Academy however, you can leverage the X spells in Red for a big finish which is unique to the color.

Green: Surprisingly, Green is a potent color for this type of artifact deck. With solid artifact producers and token doublers for the constructs, you get a lot of support for this go wide theme. Also, the fact that 2 of the colorless payoffs are lands means that it gets easier to tutor for them via Elvish Reclaimer for example.

Go wide artifacts is a very large archetype spanning from a regular token deck to weird hybrids like the UG lands example. I would like ways to include Black into the mix, but I don't think the payoffs are quite there yet for my power level.
Potential includes:
Cranial Plating
Steel Overseer
Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge
Marionette Master
Plating only needs a few artifacts to be worth 2 mana since the equip cost is so cheap. I am hesitating because it has
pips and I don't support that type of artifact deck in Black.
Overseer is a fine scaling threat, but for it to make complete sense, I think I should have a +1/+1 counter theme in the cube.
Tezzeret is a beast of a card, but it is really narrow. At 6 mana I already have a bunch of finishers for other archetypes and don't think it is worth the slot.
Similarly Master is a card that has potential to end the game, but once again narrow. This one is close though as I've taught my drafters to respect the card and they have tried it out too. I also like the cross over with sacrifice. One I would revisit if counters were in the cube. As it stands I think Bolas's Citadel is more my cup of tea.
For whatever reason, artifact decks are among my favorite (cube or otherwise) so I wanted them to be supported in my cube.
One of the well documented issues with artifacts is that most payoffs want you to cast or find artifacts, but most of the "better" cards aren't artifacts themselves. For this reason, I've chosen to add a lot of Baubles in my artifact section to help enable those decks as well as provide cantrips to colors that don't naturally have access to them like White and to a lesser degree Green and Black. This is very similar to the density of cantrips used for the various spells matter decks. They might look like wasted slots or unexciting draft picks, but they allow the cards to actually be a functioning deck rather than a pile of cards.
So here are the artifact decks I support
Go wide
Go Wide
The goal here is to spit out as many artifacts as possible to maximize your payoffs which are:
The nice thing is that almost all of these are essentially colorless, meaning you can go wild in the decks that include them. I'll highlight a few cards that can encourage you to pick a color.
White: As a solid token color, it's no surprise that White plays well in this archetype. As mentioned before, these baubles can also tie into the prowess themes allowing some spicy hybrid.
Blue: As stated before, I've chosen to include token makers that produce artifacts in Blue. The color lacks proper token payoffs, so in a sense these growing constructs act as a reward for going wide. That or splashing another color better equipped to support tokens.
Red: The tokens payoffs in Red don't really mesh well with what the deck is trying to do, so it acts more as a support color. With treasures and Academy however, you can leverage the X spells in Red for a big finish which is unique to the color.
Green: Surprisingly, Green is a potent color for this type of artifact deck. With solid artifact producers and token doublers for the constructs, you get a lot of support for this go wide theme. Also, the fact that 2 of the colorless payoffs are lands means that it gets easier to tutor for them via Elvish Reclaimer for example.
A nice little White aggro deck to kick things off! Almost all of the colorless payoffs are there, which is nice because they work better in multiples. The X creatures give you an outlet for your mana and you have solid prowess enablers to round things off with Spirit and Mentor. This deck would have loved a Stoneforge Mystic and/or another 1 mana artifact to fetch with Urza's Saga.
Once again the colorless cards are the backbone of the deck, but the colored artifact producers/payoffs give the deck a distinct flavor.
Lots of ramp possibilities between Academy, Provisionner and Garruk, with some X spells providing mana dumps. Esika's Chariot has many juicy targets to copy, ranging from constructs to the Stone Idol token. The land subtheme fits perfectly with what the rest of the deck is trying to do. The deck is missing some interaction though, so maybe I should be looking to see if I can find some artifact based ones (Aether Spellbomb?)
This final deck is a Skullclamp deck to be sure, but it still does the artifact go-wide theme very well! Red actually has the token payoffs with Ogre and Cavalier and even Embercleave on a construct! Saheeli and Typhoon provide you with more tokens for just casting your artifacts and cantrips. The Locust God makes an appearance outside of Storm and fits right in with the cantrips. The final layer are Welder and Emry which allow you to get more from your Lootings/Consider/Cavalier and add a bit of resiliency in case your artifacts are destroyed.
Once again the colorless cards are the backbone of the deck, but the colored artifact producers/payoffs give the deck a distinct flavor.
Lots of ramp possibilities between Academy, Provisionner and Garruk, with some X spells providing mana dumps. Esika's Chariot has many juicy targets to copy, ranging from constructs to the Stone Idol token. The land subtheme fits perfectly with what the rest of the deck is trying to do. The deck is missing some interaction though, so maybe I should be looking to see if I can find some artifact based ones (Aether Spellbomb?)
This final deck is a Skullclamp deck to be sure, but it still does the artifact go-wide theme very well! Red actually has the token payoffs with Ogre and Cavalier and even Embercleave on a construct! Saheeli and Typhoon provide you with more tokens for just casting your artifacts and cantrips. The Locust God makes an appearance outside of Storm and fits right in with the cantrips. The final layer are Welder and Emry which allow you to get more from your Lootings/Consider/Cavalier and add a bit of resiliency in case your artifacts are destroyed.
Go wide artifacts is a very large archetype spanning from a regular token deck to weird hybrids like the UG lands example. I would like ways to include Black into the mix, but I don't think the payoffs are quite there yet for my power level.
Potential includes:
Cranial Plating
Steel Overseer
Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge
Marionette Master
Plating only needs a few artifacts to be worth 2 mana since the equip cost is so cheap. I am hesitating because it has
Overseer is a fine scaling threat, but for it to make complete sense, I think I should have a +1/+1 counter theme in the cube.
Tezzeret is a beast of a card, but it is really narrow. At 6 mana I already have a bunch of finishers for other archetypes and don't think it is worth the slot.
Similarly Master is a card that has potential to end the game, but once again narrow. This one is close though as I've taught my drafters to respect the card and they have tried it out too. I also like the cross over with sacrifice. One I would revisit if counters were in the cube. As it stands I think Bolas's Citadel is more my cup of tea.