General Fight Club

Giant in the Playground. I made an account back in 2010, and I still bum around their roleplaying section from time to time.

Mostly because it's a bit of a trainwreck, if I'm going to be honest...
I quite enjoy the Order of the Stick webcomic, but it is updated at a glacially slow pace. I never contributed to the forums, but the ones for the comic were a little odd: it felt as if the forum posters had to make up for the lack of story progress with wild speculation, pedantic analysis and ceaseless bickering.

Fortunately this never happens on these forums, as we get a new magic set more often than the comic gets a new page.
I quite enjoy the Order of the Stick webcomic, but it is updated at a glacially slow pace. I never contributed to the forums, but the ones for the comic were a little odd: it felt as if the forum posters had to make up for the lack of story progress with wild speculation, pedantic analysis and ceaseless bickering.

Fortunately this never happens on these forums, as we get a new magic set more often than the comic gets a new page.
Sorcerers of the Beach :p
You're lucky you didn't contribute, Humpty. I think it's the only forum I've ever seen where most of the mods seem to stick around just to do mod stuff. Hell, I think some of them have never posted anything that hasn't been a mod action.

There's some weird power dynamics, is all I'm saying.
As someone who finally started posting instead of just poking around, you all have been very welcoming, a great outlet for brainstorming, and will embrace off-the-wall ideas :)

I've been enjoying the heck out of these forums because it's got the most thoughtful, collaborative, and vigorous conversations in the Magic community. I had browsed for a few years before actually hopping in, but I'm glad I did, and my opinion of Riptide has only grown. Real happy to be here.

These brainstorming sessions and conversations are enabled in part because you guys are here participating :). Thanks for joining in.
I've been enjoying the heck out of these forums because it's got the most thoughtful, collaborative, and vigorous conversations in the Magic community. I had browsed for a few years before actually hopping in, but I'm glad I did, and my opinion of Riptide has only grown. Real happy to be here.
I think it really helps that we're a forum dedicated to a creative, non-competitive aspect of Magic, and that our uniting design aesthetic is "I want to run interesting archetypes in my cube. How do?"


Ecstatic Orb
I quite enjoy the Order of the Stick webcomic, but it is updated at a glacially slow pace. I never contributed to the forums, but the ones for the comic were a little odd: it felt as if the forum posters had to make up for the lack of story progress with wild speculation, pedantic analysis and ceaseless bickering.

Fortunately this never happens on these forums, as we get a new magic set more often than the comic gets a new page.
I still read the webcomic. I put all my webcomics in a Feedly account, so I don't have to manually recheck every so often if there's a new comic up :)

So, okay, I think we just talked about Kess a little while ago and people brought up that she's basically a removal check, but does Lier function any differently? I've not tried Lier, but I feel that weirdly enough by keeping the card out of Grixis it opens it up for UG graveyard stuff. Anyone else testing this card?

I'm also unsure of how much this turning off counterspell hurts it. My gut feeling is that it doesn't really matter so much because cubes running this are going to be running relatively fewer/weaker counterspell than cubes that eschew Lier for being weak, but maybe you'll really miss being able to protect Lier with countermagic. Maybe it them synergizes best with taxing countermagic so that you don't feel bad about Censor being useless when you cast this because it's useless with five lands out already. Hmm.

So, okay, I think we just talked about Kess a little while ago and people brought up that she's basically a removal check, but does Lier function any differently? I've not tried Lier, but I feel that weirdly enough by keeping the card out of Grixis it opens it up for UG graveyard stuff. Anyone else testing this card?

I'm also unsure of how much this turning off counterspell hurts it. My gut feeling is that it doesn't really matter so much because cubes running this are going to be running relatively fewer/weaker counterspell than cubes that eschew Lier for being weak, but maybe you'll really miss being able to protect Lier with countermagic. Maybe it them synergizes best with taxing countermagic so that you don't feel bad about Censor being useless when you cast this because it's useless with five lands out already. Hmm.
I don't like Lier at all, I think she has a worse floor than Kess because she costs more and doesn't have built-in evasion, but has a higher ceiling because she lets you cast as many spells each turn as you can afford. Cards with high internal power bands usually do not fix the issues of similar, more consistent cards- they just make the feel-bads more pronounced.
I actually don't think that turning off counterspells is a downside as a designer, though, as it makes her harder to turn into a removal bot, which is the main reason I don't run Kess. Ideally this would mean that you're stuck casting cantrips or other cool things. However, this is probably me thinking of the best case when in actuality she'll be a removal bot with whatever other colors you have in your deck.