General Fight Club

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Sphinx of Lost Truths
Meloku, the Clouded Mirror

both is ok

if you have to have one, Meloku is nuts in midrange, and very tough to beat if you don't get swarmed the same turn you cast him

i'm really growing fond of Aetherling. in a fast environment, you have to decide whether you can afford to wait until you have seven mana to cast him safely, or if you need to drop him right now on six because you're afraid you'll die otherwise. i can see him being a bit much in a lower-power + slow environment


Palinchron for your big blue creature? Has anyone tried Pearl Lake Ancient?

While I have been really pleased with PLA in Standard, it truly is just a poor man's Aetherling. If you are looking for a blue finisher, I run Frost Titan and Aetherling, but at a lower power level, the Blue finishers of Standard are probably ok, Prognostic Sphinx has a bit of tension with Wraths, but closes out a game just fine.

Of, if you are a madman who runs Scuttlemutt...
I just recently cut Sphinx of Lost truths for something. I should check what it is and come back.

Edit: I think Meloku, may be my only blue fatty right now. Oddish.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I was really happy with Hinder when I ran it, I believe it was a CML recommendation. The power level of a lot of these cards are pretty similar though, I'd go with ones that have some play (Dissolve) or match your environment somehow (Hinder).

That said, I miss casting Exclude. These type of scenarios are where I like rotating from time to time, and not just sticking with one theoretical "best".


Ecstatic Orb
I recently switched to Exclude, I like the single blue in my three-color environment. I think Counterspell and Undermine are the only double blue counterspells left, though maybe Undermine should be a different Dimir spell?

Which one would you play?

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I recently switched to Exclude, I like the single blue in my three-color environment. I think Counterspell and Undermine are the only double blue counterspells left, though maybe Undermine should be a different Dimir spell?

Which one would you play?

I don't really like any of these, but I've always thought soul manipulation looked good. Sweet, sweet value.
I wouldn't play negate so countersquall is out, and dimir charm was clunky and narrow in practice.

I feel like undermine's 'black effect' isn't something a ub control deck really wants anyways- absorb is fine, suffocating blast would be cool at {R}{U}{U}, but this is just not special. Soul manipulation, on the other hand, is cool beans and doesn't take a stretch to be cool beans. Something as simple turn 2 merfolk looter, turn 3 respond to a creature with loot, discarding a creature, soul manipulation makes it a-ok in my book. A lot more interesting than the other options anyways.

Chris Taylor

I recently switched to Exclude, I like the single blue in my three-color environment. I think Counterspell and Undermine are the only double blue counterspells left, though maybe Undermine should be a different Dimir spell?

Which one would you play?

Undermine IMO. I don't really like any of them, but I pride my counters on being at least playable in both aggro and control. Remove Soul isn't exactly playable against control most of the time, so the target restrictive counters don't feel as nice to me.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Yeah, I guess I'm neither a fan of Negate nor Essence Scatter in cube; I like reactive spells to be able to hit a wider swath of potential targets. The only one I run of either category is Spell Pierce, and that only gets a free pass because it costs {U}.

To be honest, I'd say "none of the above" to the four choices you've put up. Dimir has its share of unique gold cards - I'd rather run any of those.

Chris Taylor

Yeah, I guess I'm neither a fan of Negate nor Essence Scatter in cube; I like reactive spells to be able to hit a wider swath of potential targets. The only one I run of either category is Spell Pierce, and that only gets a free pass because it costs {U}.

To be honest, I'd say "none of the above" to the four choices you've put up. Dimir has its share of unique gold cards - I'd rather run any of those.

I never even found spell pierce to be good though :(
It seems like it'd be great, but nobody ever plays it! They play the fuck outta force spike though, maybe I'd be better off adding a second one of those.
Remove Soul isn't exactly playable against control most of the time, so the target restrictive counters don't feel as nice to me.

I think this is really list-dependent to be honest. Something something planeswalker density something something how else do your control decks win? Mine use clunky but particularly resilient threats that would still eat it to counterspells.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Undermine IMO. I don't really like any of them, but I pride my counters on being at least playable in both aggro and control. Remove Soul isn't exactly playable against control most of the time, so the target restrictive counters don't feel as nice to me.

Hey good point, Undermine could be sweet in a UB tempo deck. Incidentally, I cubed once with a bunch of people, and one of them was this french guy I'd never met before, but who'd won a team pro tour or worlds or something. He drafted the best deck I'd ever seen in my cube, a real sweet UB tempo deck. He was destroying my plans with Nezumi Shortfang and random discard spells, then killing me with Wydwen, the Biting Gale. It was so good! Not sure he'd have run undermine though, it's still a 3-mana counter.


Ecstatic Orb
To be honest, I'd say "none of the above" to the four choices you've put up. Dimir has its share of unique gold cards - I'd rather run any of those.

I got sixteen spots for Dimir cards though, and I want some amount of counterspells in my cube, not all of which should be monoblue, because that really cramps my blue section :)


i don't like any of the multicolored counters

i like hinder a fair amount

if there is such a concept as "high design upside," forbid has high design upside, you can reanimate stuff or support a fun ass lock


Ecstatic Orb
i don't like any of the multicolored counters

So, if blue can return artifacts, instants and sorceries, and black can return creatures*, can't we just make a more color-intensive but broader Soul Manipulation?

Seal the Pact.png

Or is this too backbreaking?

*We'll ignore planeswalkers, there's not too many of them in my cube anyway, plus they're kind of like creatures? If there's a color adept at bringing back planeswalkers from the dead it would be black, right?

Edit: Huh. Seems I totally forgot about this one:

That's a hard counter with a friendly casting cost and a possibly slight upside when you consider that Body Double and Necromancy are also in my cube.