Just did my first frf/kha/kha on cockatrice, alesha is a beast. She's mardu but she slots in even better in Jeskai, imo, because they have lots of efficient weenies that are dangerous in numbers when they all are potentially +1/+1 from ringing bell strike or whatever else low cost you've got handy.
I really like the way your "clan" is non-poisonous, and sultai cards go just peachy in temur or really any other clans' decks. The only "poisonous" thing might be that you can over-draft Delve... maybe? But if you're really going that hard in jeskai you're surely picking up things that dump bonus cards in the yard.
Anyway, the way you can mix and match stuff really gives me a better appreciation for why Lorwyn and Shadowmoor, despite being very fun and cool and neat in some ways, also suck.