I hate everything you like

Unpopular opinions thread?

Music I hate that you like: Muse, Oasis, Beastie Boys, Rage against the Machine, Silversun Pickups, Eminem, Imagine Dragons, Foster the People, etc.
Music I hate that I hope you only pretend to like: Dubstep
I don't watch much TV or many movies so I can't really say anything there, except the first three seasons of The Walking Dead, which I watched with a girl, were pretty terrible for how much they were raved over. (I had a friend who stopped coming to weekly gatherings and hired a babysitter so she could watch the walking dead as it aired)

Wall-e should've stayed dead.

I also play dota, not nearly as often after a huge drama fallout among my circle of gaming friends. I kinda miss the awful warcraft 3 map honestly.


white boarders? too entitled, think there should be a shower in their room, stain too easily etc. whereas moroccans and uyghurs ...

i hate this standard format. i really fucking HATE it. the PT revealed that its meta was shallow enough to withstand exactly one PT, like a block-constructed format, and i'm seriously thinking about not attending the invitational in vegas because motherfuck fuck mono-U and mono-B.
Much like Americans, the loud, awful, stupid dubstep songs are the ones everyone notices. There's plenty of good dubstep.

I just kind of assumed dubstep was loud, awful, stupid techno.
i hate this standard format. i really fucking HATE it.

Same, I gave up after attempting many decks that were powerful in their own right, just couldn't beat multiple gray merchants or Thassa without becoming a bad version of one of the existing decks that I have no interest in playing with.
Unpopular opinions thread?

Music I hate that you like: Muse, Oasis, Beastie Boys, Rage against the Machine, Silversun Pickups, Eminem, Imagine Dragons, Foster the People, etc.
Music I hate that I hope you only pretend to like: Dubstep
I don't watch much TV or many movies so I can't really say anything there, except the first three seasons of The Walking Dead, which I watched with a girl, were pretty terrible for how much they were raved over. (I had a friend who stopped coming to weekly gatherings and hired a babysitter so she could watch the walking dead as it aired)

Wall-e should've stayed dead.

I also play dota, not nearly as often after a huge drama fallout among my circle of gaming friends. I kinda miss the awful warcraft 3 map honestly.
Man when I get a good list of dislikes like this I always wonder what the person is into.

I really liked wall-e.
I think if I were to play standard (doesn't really excite me) I'd probably play a blue deck that plays verdict, sphere and revelation and some devotees or something. Or like thought seize?

I kinda hate the terms Nu-Disco and Bass Music because I don't really understand them and I tend to only see them on annoying things.

Lol James I hear the big dumb american EDM festival operations are having some success importing their brand to londoners etc. I also don't really think it's worthwhile trying to explain the weird tenuous politics of dance genres to someone who just knows they don't like it. It's hard enough for us to keep in our heads. What a world we live in eh?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I kind of hate going to Italian restaurants. It's not that they're bad, but with my meager cooking skills I can make pasta that tastes passably good, and don't feel like paying such a huge markup to eat something with slightly better tasting sauce. If given the choice I'll always go somewhere that makes shit I can't cook.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Ah, but man, for a really good pizza you've gotta leave your house, and there is no more worthwhile quest than for a really good pizza.


i'm gonna bite the bullet and try curve-out aggro in december standard because it is obviously good and i dont hate vegas and standard enough to avoid playing standard in vegas
i hate when people who are pretending to be interested in getting better or doing well insist on playing non-characters/non-decks. And insist their choice is valid. Monoblack control UB Mill wasn't good for the last thirty thousand standard formats, and it won't be now. "But sentinel is good in umvc3, you just gave up because they nerfed his health" nope, he was never good in the first place, just nobody knew how to play. "I want to play grixis instead of esper in RTR-THS standard. rakdos' return means it beats the other control decks", nope, dont fuck around. don't waste your time. and more importantly don't waste my time with this non-matchup. its one thing if you are playing for laughs, it is another if you are playing for improving yourself. and either way, don't complain when you get crushed. titan's strength is not basically lightning bolt, and then dont complain about your hand when i thoughtseize your 1 creature with your 4 other titan's strengths. delver is not a modern deck, quit lying to yourself. cheerios is not the best legacy deck. this 4 alms beast 4 desecration demon 4 essence harvest deck does not "utterly shit on Junk Reanimator". and when we play on cockatrice for 20+ games and you lose every single one, it is not "the shuffler hates me". imperious perfect is not a strong p1p1 in my cube. you don't first pick show and tell over upheaval in a typical broken non-riptide cube. dont try to break the rules or break the format without understanding what you're trying to break in the first place. dont pick t hawk in any sf4 version, and no, he's not going to be finally good in usf4. dont surgical extraction my fetchland in while im playing rug delver. dont complain about UGx in EDH. stop making jokes about banning islands. if youve only played white weenie in every format for the past 20 years straight regardless of how good or bad it is maybe you shouldnt try to make comments about how good or bad cards are in other decks. why would you come over to my house talking about wanting to go to tournaments and then pick fucking tron bonne. yes magneto is bullshit, do you think i pick him because i like him in the comics? (well, i do, but fuck that)

maybe i'm a hypocrite because i picked mega man/cable/sentinel in mvc2. also i dropped a lot of "you"s in here but i havent seen any of you be guilty of this at all.
my brother told me a good term he picked up at table tennis tournaments: 'basement good'. a player or a tactic that's really good in someone's basement where his/her friends show up and all lose to him. but they arent even up to par of a round 1 tournament opponent, but they've never known and never been shown a competitive environment so they just think they're the shit
sirlin has said plenty of stuff that makes sense despite him saying/doing other things that are utterly insane


I hate constructed magic discussion, particularly in the small cardpool formats. Everything is so jargon laden that even though I understand everything being said I can do nothing but roll my eyes and think to myself what huge fucking nerds these people are.

Then I complain about them on a forum for an even more niche version of the same game.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Ok I've got one. I've had enough of people saying something is "a thing" or "not a thing". Cmon, don't call your thread "Life Gain as a Thing", just call it "Life Gain", or if you really need more words there just find the word you were looking for. I actually used to really like this phrase, but now I've heard too many people use it. There, I've been curmudgeonly and now I feel better.
On a somehow related note I really miss something.com.


The sickening realization that something we thought only we were smarter enough to appreciate is actually no more witty then any other pop culture foot note.

I hate that feeling.
also dont switch what you are playing every 5 minutes and expect to improve what the hell. why do i see posts from the same people on the local mtg facebook group every two weeks
"hey i think im building affinity does anyone have card X"
a few days later
"heres my affinity list ive been playing"
2 weeks later
"hey im switching to stax does anyone have cards okay cool thanks now heres my list ive been playing"
"hey im switching to america delver does anyone have cards okay cool thanks now heres my list ive been playing"
"hey im switching to ant does anyone have cards okay cool thanks now heres my list ive been playing"
"hey im switching to elves does anyone have cards okay cool thanks now heres my list ive been playing"

also dont switch what you are playing every 5 minutes

Speaking of this I absolutely hate people saying they "audibled" to another deck. You just changed your mind, you didn't audible a damn thing. Pros and local tryhards (I realize that is also an irritating term) drop the word constantly and it irritates the hell out of me.
I really liked wall-e.

It's not that I hate wall-e I just think the movie would've been roughly ten times better if he had stayed 'dead' instead of magically getting his memory back.
I kind of hate going to Italian restaurants.

As someone who is apparently only able to date women who adore the worst of all Italian restaurants, Olive Garden, I agree.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
The most depressing experience of my life happened at Olive Garden and I had kind of forgotten about it until now. Maybe that plays into my hatred of Italian restaurants.