I hate everything you like

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I read Book 1 of Game of Thrones and thought that the prose was terrible and don't really understand how it ever became popular.
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James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Um.... I didn't see anything really special about American Psycho, either the book or the film? I dunno, I'm kinda a naive happy person and I don't really dislike anything. Except bad music. Oh man, speaking of which, check out this record label I applied to: http://www.stroberecords.co.uk/. This must be a joke.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Well, the website looks like it was made in a high school tech class (It even has a scrolling welcome message!), they only appear to have one artist, whose music is kind of awful, and they only have one picture of him which has a really tacky photoshop effect on it.
I guess it's mean of me to poke fun, but I did have a pretty good chuckle over it all.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Maybe link them here and let them know you think they're totally smalltime?

P.S. you totally derailed this thread by hating on something that nobody likes.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I know, I do apologise. I was trying to be curmudgeony, but I didn't even do too well. Anyway, all the threads here get derailed all the time. Stelar thread topics like this one are very stable though, I'm sure it will revive.
I'm not sure the prose is supposed to be nice in song of ice and fire. I listened to it all on audio, I did find the first to be weakest and I found pretty much all the characters in it unlikable but it was something about their voices that remained consistent and brought me into the room with them. Maybe it's the preferred medium.

I'm in a good mood right now so I'll have to come back later.
I find communities like Tumblr and Reddit create people who spend too much time interacting with people that agree with them or have the same priorities and then find reasons to bicker about minutia.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I find communities like Tumblr and Reddit create people who spend too much time interacting with people that agree with them or have the same priorities and then find reasons to bicker about minutia.

Says the one subscribed to a forum dedicated to a niche subgenre of a small design variant of a game. Formed precisely so we could bicker about the minutia we wanted to bicker about and not the minutia they wanted to bicker about.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Yeah, but that's more of a cube topic in our non-cube subforum. Truth be told I hated the idea of it too until I actually did it. I still think it's dumb, even after writing about it. But it makes the games a lot better. Substantially. I try to play without it when I'm lazy and the players complain.
Hahhaha jason this is hardly a cube community anymore! And I still get in my degnerate cube fix and listen to folks on the other side of the fence. I'll tell ya I've picked a horse, and it's the one you and Eric and the others are sitting behind, but I'm a fickle guy. I'm gonna wana have it both ways and I'm gonna wana learn more about the difference.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
My best friend over here is some Dutch guy who is totally not a part of the Magic community over here in Belgium. Like, totally disjointed. 0 mutual friends on Facebook. But he does have a cube, and he had found me because I posted that I had a cube on MTGS some time ago, which I had forgotten about.

The other day we were at his apartment, and I was helping him with a board game he's designing, and I was like "yeah, you should come post on my forums sometime".
He says "yeah, but do you guys have a Spoiler forum? I go to MTGS for spoiler stuff and cube stuff."
"No, but we have better, more civil and thought provoking discussions."
"But I like MTGS. And I like that White Wolf guy."
"Wait, you know I actually cube articles right?"
"Yes, for ChannelFireball."
"Oh, and I hate LSV. I can't stand that guy."

That was his version of "I hate everything you like".

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hahhaha jason this is hardly a cube community anymore!

I think we have to keep classifying it as a cube community until we get our first non-cubing registrant. But the fact that we have a "General Discussion" subforum increases the likelihood of that tremendously. Putting the likelihood at "still tremendously unlikely".


I found WOW to be a soulless, boring hamster wheel with terrible gameplay (even given the context of a genre where all games can be labeled that way). At least the older school ones... "felt like a world"? /shrug

Also, I have 0% interest in trying LoL, or DOTA.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I am generally a fan of all things eSport and also have no interest in eSport. I even tried to like it. Hard. As in, watched 8 hours of The International 2 and did my best to enthusiastically get into it. But it's just not there. They seem like terrible spectator experiences.