Terms like "evocative" and "impactful" sound more relevant for cube designers who explicitly cap their gold sections. In that case, one really does need to budget their gold cards to be the cream of the crop for their design goals. But I don't cap my gold section or my cube size (and I don't know whether @inscho o does either), so power and play pattern become the primary arbiters of inclusion.Moors, with this logic, has A+B+C (A = it, B = UW, C = Creature in grave)
I just think there are more impactful and/or evocative things you can do with a UW inclusion. And I doubt I would generally want to splash just for it because of the issue with it being a wastes that asks for further stress on the manabase.
I also wouldn't want to splash *just* for it (nor for any utility land, not even Volrath's Stronghold), but Haunt adds enough power at near-rock-bottom deckbuilding cost (along with a healthy play pattern) such that it's an "auto-maindeck" in most decks that already plan to splash to/from UW for power outliers of various kinds -- Stoneforge in a UR deck, T5feri in UB Control, or whatever.