PLEASE more clue support in UG
PLEASE more clue support in UG
I'd actually prefer seeing clue support in U/W than U/G. White can use the cantrips and it overlaps more with existing artifact synergies. Simic already has the best card draw, so it doesn't really need clues.
MaRo actually already confirmed that White would be getting some investigate cards in this set:There's currently 6 W, 10 U, 8 G, and 2 colorless cards with "fo:clue -cluestone" or "o:investigate -fo:clue", so GU is more likely, but I'd love to see clues in any color to increase the ties with artifact synergies throughout mid power.
Personally, I hope investigate is G/W. Blue doens't need any extra ways to draw cards thanks to all of it's cantripping abilities, but Green and especially White want ways to convert excess Mana into cards.MaRo said:• a white enchantment with a trigger that investigates
This card is pretty sweet, I think it's about as close to a white Night's Whisper as we're likely to get. Stock goes up a lot in formats with land-typed duals as being able to color fix and not just grab basics elevates the power level quite a lot. The rate as a Baneslayer isn't too much to write home about though as a 5/5 flyer for 5, even with potential value on death, just isn't what it used to be, but that said given how high the floor is, it's an acceptable bonus to have access to and while you'll never be thrilled to slam it down, it is a decent clock that demands an answer which is a fine thing to have when you're ahead.
I think this card is extremely strong for a 1 drop, especially in blue and while it's probably a bit too early to know for sure, I think this card is comfortably in the "Delver Tier" of blue 1 drops. Even if Dockhand isn't evasive all the time the port ability is so strong that I don't think it really matters as being able to choke your opponent on mana in the early game is such a profoundly powerful effect. Obviously this card is going to play most to its strengths in Merfolk decks in constructed where it's backing up other shit like Spreading Seas but if you told me this card made waves in other blue proactive decks like Delver, Stoneblade and Esper Vial I'd absolutely believe you.
Outrageously strong card! I don't know about the rest of you cats but I'm super excited to see what the rest of this cycle looks like. It's a smidge worse in a few specific circumstances than Unmask in that you can't use it to pitch a Griselbrand on turn 1 in legacy reanimator but there's a lot of other upsides here that Unmask doesn't have. I think the 4mv mode compares favorably to Thought Knot Seer in terms of what you get for your 4 mana, and while you can't cheese it out with sol lands like TKS you can combo it with Ephemerate on turn 1 for some absolutely nasty starts that are bound to send any opponent, especially those who've mulliganed, right into the fucking stone age. Grief might be the most powerful card spoiled so far and that's saying quite a lot as even though we aren't even into the first full week of spoilers we've already seen a lot of gas in MH2. Hopefully this trend continues.
Pretty sure this card is just fucked up. Fire Imp isn't all that bad of a card but this little lad is just so much better it's kind of nuts. I think Flametongue Yearling is going to wind up being in the fairly exclusive club of "totally broken design mistake 2 drops" along with guys like Baleful Strix and Stoneforge Mystic. Two mana 2-for-1's are extremely rare and they're even rarer when they're proactive and they're at their most rare when they're both proactive *and* reactive at the same time. The early game tempo swing of an on curve FTY is totally absurd, especially if you're on the play. The only thing keeping this card from being completely and totally broken is that it can't be played onto empty boardstates as like his father FTK, this dude will kill himself on etb if he can't kill an opposing threat. For formats like Legacy and Modern where a fair number of tier 1 strategies don't actually play to the board with small creatures like Storm, Reanimator, Tron, etc this card might get pushed more into the role of being a sideboard card for some decks, but for decks that are okay maindecking stuff like Fatal Push like Jund Lurrus Shadow, I expect FTY to be a welcome addition should the mana be conducive to playing it. Brutally efficient card.
Yusri probably isn't breaking into Modern or Legacy since it's a 3 mana baneslayer, which just isn't something those formats really allow to be playable, but as far as 3 mana baneslayers go, this is one of the strongest ones I've seen. Obviously there's some randomness here and there will be games where even if you untap with Yusri and you get to crack in with it, you lowroll and immediately lose the game, but the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor for the card to be good as even hitting a mere 2/5 flips is still worth the price of admission as it's basically paying you off at the same rate as Dark Confidant would have had it been played a turn earlier and obviously the ceiling here is insane as winning 3 or 4 flips is an utterly ridiculous advantage and if you win all 5 you get to take your pants off and cum all over your opponent's face as roleplay as a storm player for the turn. I definitely get avoiding this card because it has coin flips and coin flips are dumb, but like Krark, the Thumbless I think this card unfortunately fits into the realm of "actually really good despite the additional RNG" and on power level alone can easily justify itself in all but the most ruthlessly efficient non-singleton cubes.
Dakkon has some nice things going for it, the uptick can provide some nice passive selection, he can come in with a high starting loyalty in later turns,and the floor is a hard exiling creature removal spell, which is far from awful even if it isn't great. His ultimate is kind of on the weak side if you don't have any big beefers floating around, but if you do it's obviously very strong as reanimating a Sundering Titan or whatever big robot is going to be powerful and even in leaner lists like an Esper Stoneblade kind of thing that you might see in constructed, there's the chance this dude just buys back an answered Batterskull and buys you right back into a game. I think while Dakkon isn't quite in the Oko or Wrenn and Six tier, it's strong enough that I'm willing to test it and I could easily see it breaking into some constructed archetypes.
Sometimes I wish your cube wasn't such high power because I really enjoy your posts and I think they are well-written!
Stop! I can only get so erect! D:WotC, can I get a Surveil Opt from this set?
This set is going to have me Erecting so many Monuments...Stop! I can only get so erect! D:
WotC, can I get a Surveil Opt from this set?
I'd take it.Aaaaaaaand it’s gonna be a Sorcery