Sets [OGW] Oath of the Gatewatch Spoiler Thread

When I said this set delivers, I specifically meant this set except this one mechanic. Seriously, who came up with this parasitic shit?

They explicitly designed rally so it would work in non-ally decks, and then they print this in the next set? Wtf?

Yeah... I really don't get this. It's a head-scratcher, and kinda undoes a lot of the work they did on synergy in Oath. I guess we'll have to see how it plays out in draft, but it's still a confusing direction to take.
Here's why cohort is showing up now: If you're going to have an ally-based mechanic that's a bit poisonous, it's better to have it in the second set when there will be the most allies available in Standard. It's a terrible cube mechanic obviously, but there are people who love allies, so why not let them have some fun for kitchen table shenanigans.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I'm interested where this is coming from - planeswalkers as the Avengers seems very Mark Rosewater, but I'm not sure how much input he has on the creative side these days. It seems like it's a good time for this with the Avengers movies being so popular and Justice League coming out, and I am looking forward to seeing how well an effectively brand new superhero property fares up against the classics.

I suspect Mark Rosewater had a huge hand in this, as he describes in his column from yesterday. He went so far as to say that the four oath enchantments in the upcoming set are modelled after the oaths that Justice League members take when joining the team.

Chris Taylor

Also, don't ever believe for a second this is the last parasitic mechanic. Just because it's harder to shove in your cube doesn't make it unusable.

On the other hand:


Is this brimaz 2.0 or just what we've been looking for?
Without life there would be no death, so yes, it IS life that kills people. :p

I want that 2/3 so badly in my cube that I even consider adding the cc5 Nissa that blacksmithy suggested to me in the Single Card thread instead of Garruk Wildspeaker who seems to be a bit boring in comparison.
I really like wildspeaker too btw! But if you dont have bouncelands, land enchantments, or cloudposts, he becomes less spicy and more like a loaded baked potato - great but bland.
Gah now i wanna make a cube where you can go lands.dek in every color combo. Dangit Riptide!
I had Koth for a long while, but he wasn't too exciting. You only want him in one deck, he usually just animates a dude and bashes in before you create your emblem and ping the opponent to death. There just wasn't a whole lot of play to it. I've since gone with Chandra, Pyromaster and Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker and they've both been way more interesting to play; Chandra as a sweet card in both aggro and grindier decks, Sarkhan as a finisher that isn't completely uninteractive.

Chris Taylor

See, I wanna like it 2, since 2/3 for 2 is one of my favorite little vanilla dorks, but part of me wonders weather I like this card because it's blatantly powerful in ways I'm not sure my cube needs (Like for Eg, I planned on adding all 10 manlands once this set came out once I found out they were finishing the cycle. But I'm also noticing that that's leading to a lot of onboard complexity, and that I should probably cut it back to the ones I had in originally.) or weather it's actually a sweet card.
See, I wanna like it 2, since 2/3 for 2 is one of my favorite little vanilla dorks, but part of me wonders weather I like this card because it's blatantly powerful in ways I'm not sure my cube needs (Like for Eg, I planned on adding all 10 manlands once this set came out once I found out they were finishing the cycle. But I'm also noticing that that's leading to a lot of onboard complexity, and that I should probably cut it back to the ones I had in originally.) or weather it's actually a sweet card.
Yeah, that's the downside I've been wondering about. It's clearly 1) a sweet and cool effect, and 2) a nice alternative to the 3/2 and 2/2 bodies that you see for most green 2 drops, but when you combine both of those things, are you getting a card that's pushed enough to invalidate a bunch of other cool cards 'tiders are running?

Chris Taylor

I think I'll probably design a custom card like "I thought not" over there, unless some testing convinces me that the bananna mana guys are totally doable.

Bearer of Silence on the other hand is the opposite of what I want in a nekrataal: can't pod it, can't block, gets your opponent's worst creature, and Costs B and <>.
On the other hand, it's a semi decent beatdown creature on its own, so maybe it gets in as a 2 drop with upside?


That fucking flavor text though :D